(40) Winner cards (TCG)
- I always assumed these cards were only available in english, until I saw this
- Therefore i would assume these BattleZone tournaments took place around the world?
- and ofc now I want to know in which other languages they are available
(41) Wizards Black Star Promos (TCG)* In which languages were they available?
- Looking at this page and in hope they did a good job, it seems not all were translated
- So does this mean I have to check each card individually, or is there some awesome spreadsheet? This gets the job also done, but maybe there is something better
- Is there maybe some kind of thumb-rule
- theatrical releases can be worldwide
- Pokémon League can be worldwide
- but “Magazine releases” (Mewtwo 12) are likely to be english only
What abut the distribution. For example: I found Zapdos in at least 3 dif. languages (German, English, France, Spain). Were they all “given away in the first few weeks of the theatrical release of The Power of One”?
Is there a known reason why only the en version of Electabuzz 2 (and the others) have the gold stamp?
(stupid side note) bulbagarden.net states “with then English-exclusive artwork by Naoyo Kimura”, shouldn’t it be something like “WOTC-exclusive…”
Thats it for today