An elaborate attempt at print run estimation. (WIP) 5-8-18

Nice work!

WotC mentioned that 1st Edition runs were the first 3 days of each sets production (doubt this is true for base 1st though). Not sure what that’d calculate percentage wise to but it’s all the info I’ve seen “officially” on it:

  1. What is the ratio of first edition cards to Unlimited cards?
    1st edition are printed for 3 days only, the unlimited are still print, so whatever 3 into infinity is.

  2. What is this talk about first edition booster packs?
    1st edition cards are printed for the 1st 3 days of a new set of cards ONLY and then never printed again. The boosters have the 1st edition stamp on them and all of the cards in that booster will have the stamp as well.

  3. Why do WotC stop making TR 1st edition cards in a few days… that isn’t enough time for us!
    1st edition cards are only printed the first 3 days we make the cards. They are for sale as long as the supply lasts. We still have them for sale on our online store if you can’t find them in your area.