BGS Beckett Out of Business? What is going on with my submission!?

See image below. I sent BGS 38 cards and BAS 3 autos.
They received Sep 16.

Their customer service answered me in an email on Dec 2 when they confirmed they have shipped my BAS order.

I have emailed them 6 times, replying to their email from Dec 6, asking what about my BGS submission that still says Received (Not Invoiced) status since Sep 16. They have not responded. I have submitted the form on their website numerous other times asking for an update. They are radio silent.

Is BGS now out of business and they have stolen my 38 cards? Do I need to file a police report against them at this point? Who else still has “Received (Not Invoiced)” for status

There are serious issues with BGS right now. Search on the fourum “is BGS cooked”

But to provide my experience, it takes over a month for encapsulation alone after grades are done. They have zero leadership right now


To clearly answer your question, they arent out of business but moving really slowly. Dont know if its low staff or if your package is lost but keep emailing and trying to contact someone. It should be there and be in line but who knows if itll be another 1 month or 4 to get done.


Not the most satisfying answer but you just have to continue to wait and it will get back to you. Currently there’s no reason to believe they are just gone.


No, they are still running. These were my two BAS submissions in 2024.

Your order appears to be taking a lot longer than normal. Maybe they were confused because you packaged a BAS order with a BGS order, maybe it could be related to the cards that you submitted for grading - who knows. Sometimes orders are lost, sometimes orders take a lot longer than expected.

I would recommend contacting them regularly and waiting patiently.



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Thanks for confirming that 12/26/2024 date on your BAS is reassuring

I shipped 2 separate packages to them. My BAS order shipped 11/26 but this wasn’t updating at the time, so I messaged them, and they actually replied on 12/2 confirming that it was my BAS order that shipped, not my BGS order, see below. 1) pretty lame they gave no update on my BGS order when I asked them about both, and which one had shipped, since I got a Fedex notification, and 2) insanely disturbing that they ignored the 6 replies I have done since to their email asking them for an update of my BGS order. So no sign of life from Beckett since 12/2 email to me. I have even filed a Better Business Bureau complaint a few days ago and so far no response. I submitted another form on BGS website a few days ago as well asking for an update since its 80 business days and 100 days overall, and if still no response, I need to file a consumer protection complaint with Texas AG and a police report and escalate this. So far still no response. Declared value was $7,000 by the way, but really its over $20,000 of value.

Confirming this was a 45 day submission. I shipped separate packages and they were both received on 9/16. BAS completed 11/26 and BGS has not even updated since 9/16… to add insult to injury my $300 BAS order for 3 auto encapsulations resulted in only 1 being done. The other 2 were rejected couldn’t pass. So how convenient they only had to spend the time & material on 1 encapulsation but took my $300. Makes that even worse feeling knowing my BGS order remains MIA since they received it on 9/16

Going nuclear with business/consumer complaints and police reports is not going to encourage them to speak to you without attorney intervention, and may end up slowing things down further. I have no further advice, sorry. I hope that your order goes through soon.

PS: You may be doxxing yourself.


does the credit card you used in september still work since they never even charged you for the order?

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Yes, same card.

I have it blocked unless I’m ready to use it, so BAS emailed asking to update card, and I did by telling them they can run it again, and they charged card.

I am keeping it active for BGS to charge card to lessen the delays that BGS is already causing… I know BGS charges upfront, but for a 45 day order they do not charge until they actually start processing order.

Point taken

At this point though, it seems if they want to play the attorney game, I have a guaranteed profitable lawsuit, and I would say ignoring messages since Dec 2 & holding my property for 100 days and counting is criminal grand theft, so why would they want to play the attorney game?

And if BGS is still same as in 2021 when I did a 45 day order (which took 4 months, it was the height of submissions), they charge the card before they are ready to ship out, some time near the end of the process. They don’t charge card right away like BAS does. Can anyone say BGS does things different now?

I would encourage you to read the TOS that you agreed to when you made a submission to Beckett.

Do you think that the thousands of customers of PSA or BGS were compensated when the COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed their workforce and led to delays in excess of a few years? I don’t think Beckett being slow to grade your submission or slow to answer your dozen emails makes them liable for grand theft in a court of law.

Anyway, I have no more advice to give other than to be patient. All of this is probably not worth the financial and mental stress that you will go through on nuclear mode.


Your situation sounds shitty and I hate when these things happen - it’s super stressful and I understand how you must be feeling.

However, it does sound like you may not have helped yourself here!

Sadly, BGS is very slow at contacting customers when there are issues with your order, so you didn’t help yourself with the way you handled it imo.

  1. sending problematic autos and getting 2/3 of them denied (this can delay your order as they do a few checks)

  2. not having your on file credit card active so BGS have to reach out to you

It’s also 45 business days, not calendar days, and they can take as long as they like as per their TOS.

If you pm me I can give you the email of my rep who is amazing and very good at handling things. However if a ticket is already active with their CS team idk if there is much else he could do.

Hope it gets resolved soon.

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Hi Dyl,

In my experience, which includes a $450,000 arbitration case against Paypal in which I won, TOS cannot be enforced, especially the longer & more ornate they are. So they cannot just say anything they want & that gives them a license to steal, or to delay indefinitely, and their defense is “Oh you agreed to it”, because actually, no, judges/arbitrators don’t really hold a CLICK as assuming you have read their voluminous legal terms.

With that said, the pandemic was one thing, but we are now seeing the lowest submissions ever for BGS:

So I don’t see how they are backed up or delayed in any way, and seeing the blowout forums thread about current BGS times and what others are reporting, it doesn’t seem like they are taking this long, as one in this thread mentioned this is abnormal too.

I want to agree that going nuclear will just make one dig in their heels, but then again, legal threats may make them think twice if they are going to do a worst case scenario situation. I think I am being completely reasonable in my increasing fear because they simply have not responded to my email since Dec 2. If they had just responded by saying oh it looks like 4 more months, then cool, I would check in with them again in March or whatever. I don’t see how any of you aren’t absolutely on my side about the absolute egregious, negligent & unprofessional behavior of BGS to not have customer service respond to emails. I would not say that NO RESPONSE in 30 days to their initial message is “slow to answer”. One could argue that is intent.

Anyways, I appreciate your insight.

It’s been mentioned a couple of times and I didn’t see you acknowledge it- do you know what is going on with Beckett right now? It’s a small miracle that anyone is there doing anything at all right now.

I am in no way defending BGS. They are clearly running a crap show right now.

But companies all across America are running thin teams and not hiring replacements, while keeping record profits. I had a similar situation with Troll and Toad recently. They went down to 1 customer service rep and their payment department was gutted. The few employees left at BGS that you are interacting with are just humans trying to do their best with the crappy hand they were dealt by corporate


Hi Charizardespana

  1. The 3 auto submission to BAS actually gets more amusing about how little value I got for the $300 I was charged, combined with knowing my 38 card submission is MIA. On a scale of problematic, these must have been the most “barely problematic” ever to fail approval. The one they slabbed was already a pre-approved Beckett auto. Must have been at a card show where they were on sight & it had a sticker cert etc. You can see it bottom right corner, see pic below. I wanted it encapsulated so I sent it in. I knew Beckett would slab that one. I thought all 3 would get slabbed. Another is an already SGC slabbed, $100 bill auto. And the third is a auto cut card from Executive Trading and looks very legit and I know for a fact it is a legit rally signature of his. So I paid $300 for the BAS order for them to simply slab the already pre-approved auto, and then they wouldn’t pass the SGC slab & put in BAS slab and the executive trading auto cut card. In the end, they did bare minimum on the order. Also pointing out again, this BAS order was separate, and shipped separate, and I don’t know if you are imlying these details somehow is delaying my separate 38 card BGS submission
  1. My card is on file. It simply is blocked in my settings until they are ready to charge it, then I unblocked the card. BAS had no issue. They shipped. I got it.
    BGS hasn’t tried to charge the card as they haven’t done anything with my 38 card submission since receiving it on 9/16.

I know its 45 business days. We are now at 80 business days. Over 100 days overall.

I don’t know what would have been a reasonable amount of time to wait before “going nuclear”. I started inquiring about my BGS submission on December 2, which at that point, 56 business days had passed. No response made me worry a bit more, I asked again, no response still, asked again, no response still, etc. So here we are at 80 business days.

Its the no response that is inexcusable.

Thank you for your insight and I will continue waiting. Please see my previous response to other member to see my take on their TOS. They can say whatever they want in their TOS - it doesn’t give them a license to steal nor give them license to hold indefinitely. Illegal or unreasonable terms absolutely are unenforceable, & even TOS in general are not enforceable by nature as they are absurdly legal jargon & cannot be assumed a customer reads them, especially when not forced to see the TOS with a pop up mechanism, like a few types of websites have set up, such as applying for a credit card - they make you actually scroll the terms before you can click sign up.

I do have an email address “” to try, from the BAS shipment I received back, so I will email them to see if they can reach out to the BGS branch to find out my submission status. Simply want the real ETA and I’m cool with waiting a year!!! However, no response and their defense being our terms let us do whatever we want, absolutely would not fly in any court or arbitration proceeding… I will reach out to you to ask your rep to look into my submission if they don’t email back shortly. Appreciate the offer.

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Thank you for sharing your experience with Troll and Toad being down to 1 customer service rep.

I think what makes it concerning here is that when I got a Fedex email notification about a beckett shipment on the way, I submitted their form asking was this for my BGS or BAS order since both orders were not updated. That was 11/27. On 12/2 you see their response in my original post. So they responded in 5 days! So I replied to the email saying thanks, and could they update my BGS order? What was the ETA? I didn’t expect a response right away, as you can see I waited until 12/8 to ask again, then 12/18, then started asking more quickly on 12/21 and 12/24 since still no response. I don’t see how they could have responded in 5 days the first shot, but now not for 30+ days and counting. Maybe I got lucky with the first response ha.

Haha, I did see today how their owner was arrested for a billion dollar insurance fraud or something like that? I only had heard how they were getting bought out maybe back in September, and now things are much worse for them since then.

So are you saying I should worry or just that they are in such chaos over there that I should give them longer before freaking out?