Cards you’re unsure actually exist?

I’ve made a similar thread mid-2017, and it’s funny how many cards I was unsure about existing, I currently own. :sweat_smile:

To quote myself, and color the different cards:

  • green, if they do exist and I own them by now
  • yellow, if they do exist, but I don’t own them yet
  • red, if I’m at this point rather sure they don’t exist
  • orange, if I’m still not sure about whether they exist or not, even now… :pensive:

So after 7 years, only the 2D 1st edition stamp on a Base Set yellow cheeks Pikachu; back stamp on a yellow cheeks; and grey stamp on a red cheeks I’m still unsure about whether it exists or not from this list above. Everything else I’ve either found or I’m confident by now it doesn’t exist - or have yet to find for my own collection, for those pesky German/Spanish Surfing/Flying Pikachu WotC promos… :sob:

As for a new list of cards I’m unsure about whether they exist or not, at this time of writing:

  • English Ivy Pikachu with upside down “GIOCATORI” stamp: I’ve heard rumors six were given to staff members of LPPCollecting, which I do kinda believe. But I have yet to see any pictures of them.
  • English E3 2001 Sample Set Pikachu: I know the Pikachu and Eevee exist as Japanese Sample prints; I know the Dratini and Pichu exist as English Sample prints; but I have yet to see any pictures of the English Pikachu.
  • English Gym Heroes grey 1st edition stamps: I know grey 1st edition stamps exist for Base Set; Gym Challenge; and Neo Genesis, but I have yet to see any for the Gym Heroes set.
  • Japanese Base Set cards with small Commons symbol: I know the Holofoil Rare cards all exist with both large and small rarity symbol; and I know some of the Uncommons exists with both large and small rarity symbol as well. But I have yet to see any Commons with smaller rarity symbols. (Source: thread 1 and thread 2.)
  • Japanese 1995 Delta Playtest Sample Pikachu (jungle Pikachu with Ivy background): with all the different Sample cards we’ve seen lately, I kinda expected we’d already seen this one, which previously has only been seen in some CoroCoro magazines, but alas. But maybe it’ll emerge as physical card one day (soon). :person_shrugging: (Right one in the first picture here.)
