Dealing with the Auction Thread

With all due respect, supply and demand will always be here, the thing is that for us buyers we try to get good deals and get past this supply and demand frenzy on certain cards/sets, and quite frankly I don’t care about the sellers and it would be silly to say most do, we use Y!J to avoid the high prices on eBay, what about those sellers? You can’t change human nature, that’s why sales exist along with store discounts and threads like these exist:

Let’s face it, we all love collecting, and striking a great deal is one of the most satisfying parts about this hobby aside from the collection itself, threads like the Y!J auction take away from the fun at times because what could’ve been a 2,000 YEN deal ends up being a 15,000 YEN ordeal, now I’m not saying this is always true but it happens, I scored a JR surfing Pikachu and mew set for 1500 Yen ($15 USD) and I was the only bidder in that auction, had it been posted in the Y!J thread that would’ve been a different story, and so on and so forth, lol.