E4 ART CONTEST 2021 Thread! (RESULTS!)

To the 3D contestants already signed up, and all prospective contestants, a clarification was made to the OP regarding your category.

We must be using assets from the video game franchise ONLY, with regards to your featured Pokemon.

We have concluded that since it wasn’t 100% clear, we are going to allow backgrounds only to be able to be either fully or partially original. Partially original meaning altered backgrounds from the games with original assets added or made use of through alteration.

Contestants are of course welcome to use entirely pre-made backgrounds (copy and paste style) from the games if that was still their initial plan. Background is not a criterion in judging in your category, so this will not hinder you, should you choose to go this route.


I will include an example:

You can twist, contort, manipulate assets found in any official game / spinoff that serve as part of your background.

For backgrounds, you can do any of the 3:

1.) Copy and paste background from the video game franchise, and place your Pokemon (remember, a Pokemon asset exclusively from the games) somewhere within it compositionally, as if it were a photograph.

2.) Altered video Pokemon background, from as little as copying and pasting said background and adding or moving assets, to as much as having a “template” from the games and going nuts on it with additions, alterations, adding in original assets created by you. The only things you can copy from the internet are assets used in the games. In theory you could use assets from every Pokemon game ever made and add them all in to the background.

3.) Fully original computer rendered background.

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