So last night I got my gift from @imakuni and boy oh boy did it have a trip!
This is how he sent it:
Notice the careful stacking, the thorough tape job to ensure the package was sealed, and the vivid colors of this awesome drawing.
This is what I received after it went through Customs:
The package was damp and the sides were exposed. I opened everything right away to see how bad the damage was. @imakuni did such a great job with trying to make sure this package was sealed tight so it’s unfortunate that someone from customs did an unpleasant job at resealing it. Some of the cards and packaging got wet so I had it dry while I was at work earlier today.
The good news: Pretty much everything was salvaged!
But HOLY CRAP! @imakuni, I cannot thank you ENOUGH for such a wonderful gift. You went above and beyond for me with this. I loved the snacks so much that my sister and I ate them all before I could take better pictures. Here’s the highlights (and I do love the Caterdos drawing):
I really wanted to keep this sealed but there was water inside the packaging still after letting it dry so I had to check:
Sableye confirms, the cards are safe!
Next we tried out this oddity. I love the movie and am going to give some packs to my sister since it’s one of her favorites.
Sableye’s not sure what to make of “Jim”.
The Spanish HGSS Box was warped and the plastic seal torn so I decided to open a couple of packs. I’ll keep the rest as is but had to try one of each artwork:
Not bad! 2 of 3 Starters!
And then finally, some PSA cards including my most nostalgic card!
I really loved this gift as it was very thoughtful. One of my favorite parts was the snacks because it shared a piece of his home with me which I felt was touching. He really inspired me to do more next year with my secret santa.
Something I’ve learned from this gift that I think serve as positive advice for next year:
If you’re not sure what to give to your secret santa and/or you feel you can’t provide much, add some things that are from your home country/town, some oddities that you’re into that you want to share, and just some random fun. When I opened this package, I was of course happy to get Gyarados cards, but honestly, everything else was so much more enjoyable to explore because of the “newness” for me.
Thanks again and cheers!