@fireftw87 It was kinda a good deal; 40bucks, but its NM and without scratches indeed! & i’m guessing its gonna get more&more expensive though, this trainer (and others from Skyridge) will become legal again in the standard TCG, so people might be wanting to buy 'm to bling out their decks (it’s the oldest playable version)- will light out the other legal cards in my overviewMainPost update on skyridge soon!
& @ankoko Thanks mate! I just finished the set with that FriendBall addition, will upload the whole collection soon -in style of the Expedition&Aquapolis sets from my mainPost. I wish you all the luck in the world getting those reverses, grab 'm while you can
I might hit you up in the future if i need some cards in better condition
Talking about artwork, just uploaded an “article” on how artwork from Skyridge came to be (in my theory) and why i love it so much;