Oops, I did it again

Oops, I did it again
I played with the cards, got lost in Japan

Well, I am back on another trip to Japan.
Since this will be the last trip in the foreseeable future I wanted to make the best out of it and enjoy it with you guys.
I found around 200 new shops to visit and wanted to share my experience with you.

As always.
Did you find any bargains I’ve missed?
What are the most interesting cards to you?

Enjoy :slight_smile:

The situation seems to be a very different from last year I’d it comes to modern sealed. Where I could barely find any boxes last year almost every store has them for sale. Even with shrink wrap. I thought TCPI prohibited that?
And the prices are across the bank really good except for 151.

So far the journey is going great and I had an amazing talk with a shop owner. After a while he revealed his private collection to me and showed me these



Welcome back, if you’re in Tokyo let me know if you’d like to go out to shops together.

What are those legendary birds from the owner’s private collection? They look like the GB sprite illustrations, but then why do they have fossil stamps. Are they real?

Took a look at bulbapedia, seems like this illustration was used for the tropical mega battle and media factory lotto phone cards, but there’s isn’t information about any cards being printed with this illustration


Thank you for the resource, this is fascinating


Great to see that you are back in Japan! Enjoy your time in the country and searching for cards.

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Sounds like a plan. I’ll send you a DM :slight_smile:



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I’ll try to sometimes go a bit more structured over the shops to not just pictures dump you and make it more reader friendly for you.

So the first shop had a bunch of interesting cards. But as expected from this store all in bad condition and quite pricy for their condition. But definitely fun to browse.

The next shop was a treasure trove. I spend 2-3 hours in that shop with the owner handing me new stacks of cards everytime I finished a stack. I went through so many cards and bought a ton. Almost no cards were mint but prices were a steal. The owner even encouraged me to negotiate with him.
The owner was a young guy who opened the shop 6 months ago. This shop really proves that the best shops are the ones not in the heart of the touristy areas.

I went to a couple of shops after that but they had barely anything not worthy.

The shop owner of this shop seemed to love Blastoise a bit :smile:
probably @smpratte and him would get along great :joy:

I went to a couple of shops after that but they had barely anything not worthy. One shop had stickers that showed were also up on Mercari. That was interesting.

Apart from that I am also hunting some old pokemon games.

And here a Sriracha vending machine as bonus.


Love looking through these pictures of the shops in Japan. The thrill of the hunt plus the nostalgia is a potent combo! Thanks for sharing.


@genchiro Did you see the condition of that Key? :old_key:


@genchiro Do you speak Japanese? If not, what is it like to negotiate if you are relying on a translation app or potentially broken English?

Thanks as always for sharing these trips!


As always those pictures are a joy to see. Makes me nostalgic of my past trips to Japan and even more enthusiastic for my upcoming trip this winter.

I love that you are also on the lookout for some old Pokemon games. Hope you find some great deals both regarding cards and games.


Ahem…the Sriracha vending machine is actually the HIGHLIGHT :heart_eyes:


Wow, really great thread and hope you are having a great time. I am guessing this trip is more relaxed, also owning to the fact that you have a lot of experience from your trip last year. Lovely pictures as always. It is so awesome to see these cards on display in shops. I see some promos which really caught my eyes, but other than that there seems to be cards readily available at least.

Stay safe buddy and enjoy your time there. Looking forward to all your updates.



Did not take it out the sleeve. But the front looked clean.


I speak a little bit of Japanese. For the beginning we used a translator app to understand what we wanted from each other. After that we were just throwing numbers around until someone agreed :smiley:
But I didn’t dare to negotiate too hard so only went for 10%-20%.
I was surprised by another shop owner I talked to who said its in general okay to ask friendly if negotiating is okay. So I’ll try that a bit more. In big stores like book off they probably won’t do it but doesn’t hurt to give it a try.

But I think overall even if you use an app it shouldn’t be too difficult since you can just write down numbers.


Today was a bit on the slower side with cards since I went a bit for some city exploration and shops further outside.

First I found some nice’s ghibli and Harry Potter Stores

After that I went to some shops that had not many cards or expensive prices but really good and cheap video games

Some shops had cards with good prices or interesting cards

The last shop I went to had a nice collection of Retro Pokémon games with good prices. Is it weird that I only bought half of the games I could have bought because I don’t want the Hunt to be over yet? :joy:

But the last find in the store took the Cake. This is literally the rarest of all Pokemon games. I was so hyped to find this.


Amazing! Makes me want to try and plan a trip for the future!


It makes one wonder. Are there any decent shops that sell non-TCG items or specialize in it (outside of games)? Like postcards, stickers, toys?