Out of the organic interest of some friends, I am in the final stages of completing an Error Masters Guide for E4… but I need your help. I need images for a few cards, and with the intent of not plagiarizing the internet for images of to use as a collective resource, I want to ask your permission, and to appeal for your card scans. If you own one or more examples of the below cards please message me and I will handily put your efforts towards what I hope will be great resource for E4.
Raw scans are preferred. 600 dpi resolution or higher is ideal.
FPO cards
Inverted WB kids promos
Missing WB Kids stamp promos (I have one, but photos of the others would be better)
Matchprint cards
Misaligned/offset holo Jungle, Fossil, and possibly Neo Destiny Shining secret rares
Yellow ink smear 1st edition Haunter
“Cigar” Hitmonlee (with Crown Leaf foil embedded into surface)
“Albino” Zapdos
Clefairy with black dot in the description
Magenta ink smear on reverse of Jungle cards
Thank you