Hello Everyone, I have been collecting for the past couple years and am very happy with where I have got to so far in my collection goals. So wanted to share with you all! Kicking things off with my crown jewel of the collection so far… a 1st Edition Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends Booster Box. I haven’t seen another one of these in the past 2 years so is one of the rarer PCG era boxes
I look forward to sharing more of my collection with you all
Thought I would share my favourite pull so far… Amazingly this was from my first ever Team Rocket booster pack!! What luck
Absolutly love the artwork on that boosterbox!
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Wow, crazy that you have one of those boxes! Beautiful collection so far!
I think it will always be my favourite
Thank you! I look forward to adding more on here soon
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This next box was actually my first sealed Booster Box from the PCG era, such a amazing box art too
Now for my second crown jewel of the collection so far… EX Team Rocket Returns