Pokémon ex series serial code variants! Let's make a list!

Hi all,

As some of you may already know, some ex-series common & uncommon cards have multiple versions where the serial code is different. My current mission is to make a complete list of all these codes.

For those of you who don’t know what I mean with serial code, an example picture is below. Two times the same card with a different serial number. In most of the cases only the last 3 characters of the number are different like here too.

As you can see the first card ends in 66H and the second one in USB.

The list of variants
(not complete yet, if you have one that’s missing please tell me and if possible provide a picture!)

Ex Ruby & Sapphire

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants.
  • The uncommons have 2 serial code variants.
  • No serial code variants for reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon

• Common

Ex Sandstorm

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants. (not sure about the common trainers)
  • The uncommons have 2 serial code variants. (not sure about the uncommon trainers)
  • No serial code variants for reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon

• Common

Ex Dragon

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants.
  • The uncommons have 2 serial code variants.
  • No serial code variants for reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon

• Common

Ex Hidden Legends

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants. (not sure about the common trainers)
  • The uncommons have 2 serial code variants. (not sure about the uncommon trainers)
  • No serial code variants for reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon

• Common

Ex FireRed & LeafGreen

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants.
  • The uncommons have 2 serial code variants.
  • No serial code variants for reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon

• Common

Ex Deoxys

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants.
  • The uncommons have 2 serial code variants.
  • No serial code variants for reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon
Comming soon

• Common

# Name Code 1 end Code 2 end Code 3 end
52 Bagon P1B 6UU KCR
53 Baltoy 6XZ E39 QW1
54 Barboach 631 3UU VTR
55 Beldum MW1 CXZ NQX
56 Carvanha 6MF 71B WCR
57 Corphish 3XZ TQX :thinking:
58 Duskull TE5 G7Z JPX
59 Electrike CG3 R66 VA5
60 Electrike C66 NB5 P0P
61 Goldeen K3X 40P SQG
62 Koffing 29R 039 KW1
63 Lotad MW1 CXZ NQX
64 Magikarp GF6 B0P FB5
65 Makuhita 631 3UU VTR
66 Natu SQG 40P K3X
67 Nincada 6QG HTD 4PY
68 Numel S1B 0MF UCR
69 Phanpy QW1 6XZ E39
70 Poochyena KW1 29R 039
71 Seedot NLR P31 YUU
72 Shroomish HTD 4PY 6QG
73 Slakoth JCR B31 CUU
74 Slugma 7TD 53X HQG
75 Slugma HTD 4PY 6QG
76 Spoink C66 NB5 P0P
77 Staryu 6QG 4PY HTD
78 Surskit 3UU VTR 631
79 Swablu E7Z 6J9 AE5
80 Taillow HQG 53X 7TD
81 Wingull KCR P1B 6UU
82 Wurmple FTR HJ9 5E5
83 Zubat AE5 6J9 E7Z

Ex Emerald

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants.
  • No serial code variants for uncommon/reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon
Comming soon

• Common
Comming soon

Ex Unseen Forces

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants.
  • No serial code variants for uncommon/reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon
Comming soon

• Common
Comming soon

Ex Delta Species

  • The commons have 3 serial code variants.
  • No serial code variants for uncommon/reverse/rare/holo/ur…

:diamonds: Uncommon
Comming soon

• Common
Comming soon

Other ex sets
No known serial code variants, if you have one though; let me know!

Special thanks to:

  • UPCCC member tonysandlin for finding out the amount of (un)common serial variants in each set.
  • Pokémon-Paradijs (dutch website that already had a complete list of ex ruby & sapphire variants)

I can mail you the list I have. It s not complete but almost :wink:


That would be amazing :blush: I’ll Pm you my e-mailadress.

Pietjes precies, awesome find

Just starten op my laptop to send you the list. Hope you can use it :blush:

List received :blush: Seems like ex team rocket returns also has variants.

I’ll update this tomorow!

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Any new information on this?


Does anyone have information regarding serial numbers on Japanese expansions?

I recall seeing different serials in some of my extras. Might try piecing together the variants since I am nearly done with the 1ED PCG era…

I can help out with the Japanese ones for a few sets! It seems that the pattern is the same for Japanese, but with a few exceptions. First, there are a total of 4 codes for each common just like the other languages (3 for regular card plus 1 for RH), but they are completely different codes. In addition, there is 1ED and UED for each code. Secondly, because the Japanese sets don’t correspond to the English in every situation, some of the cards that are included in half decks or mini-sets will only have one variation. For example, the EX Emerald Voltorb in Japanese only has 1 code because of its inclusion in a half deck. Lastly, some sets which correspond to the English sets do not have any code variation while the English ones do. EX Delta species has more than one code for each common, but the Japanese set does not. This is slightly different from the previous point.

Of course, this information was gathered during my quest to complete my Japanese Voltorb collection, so I don’t know the specific pattern for every expansion.

To recap:

Japanese commons: 4 different codes x2 for 1ED and UED = 8 total cards

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English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

EX Ruby & Sapphire - EX Deoxys (not including EX Team Magma VS Team Aqua)
Common: 3 different codes + 1 RH code = 4 total codes
ex.) ABC, EFG, JKL + XYZ (RH)
Uncommon: 2 different codes + 1 RH code identical to one of the non RH codes = 3 total codes
ex.) ABC, EFG + EFG (RH)
Rare/Holo/UR/SR: 1 code

Ex Emerald/Unseen Forces/Delta Species
Common: 3 different codes + 1 RH code = 4 total codes
ex.) ABC, EFG, JKL + XYZ (RH)
Uncommon: 1 different codes + 1 RH code = 2 total codes
ex.) ABC + EFG (RH)
Rare/Holo/UR/SR: 1 code

EX Legend Maker - EX Power Keepers
1 code regardless of rarity of card.

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Thanks Tony!

Japanese cards from ADV and PCG do not have RH versions. Does this mean there are 6 variants for Commons?

If I understand correct, Uncommon and Rare cards have 1 variant, right?

I should clarify. The Japanese have have 4 variants for each common with the 4th taking place of the RH that the other languages have. The 4 are then repeated for 1ED and UED. Here is an example from my Voltorb collection:

EX Hidden Legends English
Voltorb - CG3, R66, VA5
Voltorb RH - S0P

Undone Seal Japanese
Voltorb 1ED - C66, F3X, NB5, P0P
Voltorb UED - C66, F3X, NB5, P0P

I would assume rares only have one code, but I don’t know for uncommons.

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I have almost all english codes thanks to abv150, I’ll try to update this in the next days!


Added the first 3 sets, I started working with images it’s way easier. I will make a google drive document where everything is typed out (and copypaste-able) when I’ve done all the sets.

Awesome work! I wonder if we can tackle Japanese next.

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Added Ex Hidden Legends & Ex FireRed LeafGreen

Seems like the uncommon error Magikarp & Gastly have 3 code versions! The fix (with the common symbol) has only 1 variant.

EDIT: I’m wrong the fix has 2 variants. So 5 variantions in total (excluding reverse)


Addition for Sandstorm:
Breloom 33/100 U P0L-G4Y-15C P0L-G4Y-8NH
Illumise 38/100 U 8A0-9BG-05C 8A0-9BG-E8B

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So both of these cards have 4 total variations? Do they have yet another for the RH?

Yes 45 variations in total (3 error + 12 fix), here are the codes of the reverse:

Magikarp (uncommon): FTQ-CSZ-DQG (Listed in abv150’s document)
Magikarp (common): FTQ-CSZ-DQG (Found here)

Gastly (uncommon):N2L-DDG-DJ9 (Listed in abv150’s document)
Gastly (common): N2L-DDG-DJ9 (Found here)

So the codes of the reverse fix & reverse error are the same :wink:

EDIT; I was wrong, the fix has 2 variants. So 5 non-holo code variants in total + another one for the reverse.


Ah, okay, thanks for the clarification! I wonder if the error occurs in the other languages as well. That would be very interesting to check out.