Price check on PSA 10 Rayquaza Gold Star

As the title says. I’ll be looking to either trade/liquidate some cards in order to get this card but first want to know what it’s worth so I can trade/sell accordingly

Are you looking for English or japanese? Unlimited or 1st Ed? Also, eBay sold listings will give you a good idea of the price.

Going up fast.

2-2.7k right now (English)

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If you’re looking for an English copy you’re going to have to have $2k ready whenever it appears. You’ll probably be competing with others for it since it is fairly infrequent on the market.

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last month

Thanks everyone it is the English one as crazy as it may sound I was going to sell some of my PSA 9 shadowless zards for it and some others for it

Rayquaza > Charizard

But you might want to hold onto those zards as they will prob just keep increasing in value. Not so sure I could say the same about the Ray Star, but you never know.


Rayquaza ☆ forever.