October 24, 2020, 11:54am
That’s bullshit of them. Bulk turnaround times historically use to be 45 business days, they basically doubled it by making it 85 business days. Now they’re throwing salt on the wound and making entry into system take 20 business days, thus making bulk turnaround times 100+ business days. Pathetic.
They don’t care. As long as they keep making record-breaking profits they aren’t going to improve service. Why spend a million dollars on improving turnaround times when you can not spend a million dollars and still make the same amount of money lol
It’s only going to get worse. You think 100 business day turnaround is bad? Wait until bulk orders take a full year to complete. We’re going to be begging for 100 business day turnaround times.
I made this post back in Feb. I’ve been critical of them for years now. Glad people are starting to come around… It’s really a shame how far they’ve fallen.