For #1, #4, and #7 you can usually look at Bulbapedia at either the card itself or the set. For example, for the cards you’ve mentioned:
- EX Power Keepers Gardevoir: “An exclusive Non Holofoil version of the EX Power Keepers print was included in the English Mind Game Theme Deck.”
- Supreme Victors Venusaur: “An exclusive Non Holofoil print of the English card was included in the Ignition Theme Deck.”
- Arceus Charizard: “A Cracked Ice Holofoil print of the English card was included in the Evolutions Pack released in October 2010. This Cracked Ice Holofoil print was also included in repackaged versions of the 2009 Fall Collector’s Tins that were released exclusively in Walgreens Pharmacies.”
#2 Could you show pictures of the cards with the different copyright dates? One of them is most likely from some sort of Deck as well, or if it’s an Energy perhaps in a different language (for some reason the foreign cards during the E-reader era were still printed as “Energy” instead of “Energie” (German), “Energíe” (French), and “Energía” (Italian) you usually see).
As far as I know the E-reader set has four variations for the holo cards (excluding Secret Rares), which are: Holofoil Rare, Reverse Holo (Holofoil) Rare, non-holo Rare, Reverse Holo Rare. The difference between the Reverse Holo (Holofoil) Rare and Reverse Holo Rare is the set number, as well as the card ID and Pokédex information on the short strip as mentioned on Bulbapedia. For example, the Alakazam of the Expedition Base Set would be 1/165 Holofoil Rare; 1/165 Reverse Holo Rare; 33/105 non-holo Rare; 33/105 Reverse Holo Rare. The non-holo Commons/Uncommons have two versions: Non-Holo and Reverse Holo. Apart from some Decks I’ve never seen differences in copyright dates for the E-reader era, so I’d love to see some pictures of the cards you were talking about.
#3 Correct. The ©1999-2000 copyright date is available for the entire English Base Set. For the Spanish ©1999-2000 Base Set it lacks the Holofoil Rares (and maybe Rares as well, I’m not sure). The ©1999-2000 Fossil cards are available for all non-holo cards, as well as the holo Zapdos from the Thunderstorm Theme Deck.
#5 No. Most of them are non-Holo, but some have Holofoil releases in blisters. For example, the POP4 Pikachu (one of my favorite artworks) was printed as non-holo in the POP4 packs, but is also available as Holofoil in the EX Dragon Frontiers Two Pack Blisters. This information can again be found at the individual pages on Bulbapedia for the specific cards.
#6 Only one I’m unable to answer I’m afraid, since I have no experience with non-TCG cards.
Hope this helps!