Rare Coils and Rarecoils (and Magnezones and Beldums and other things)

Hello! As the title suggests, I primarily collect Magnemite, Beldum and their evolutions!

(Also I apologize for the awful pictures, I need to figure out a better setup soon.)

For Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone, my goal is to get all English cards in holo and reverse holo where possible, excluding variants such as 1st ed and EX codes. Additionally for my main collection I’ve also grabbed some Japanese exclusive cards/holo prints, but I’m mostly done with that for now.

Was playing around with the scanner but it’s not that great so I gave up on it, so there’s a couple of scanned pics here and there. It didn’t seem to take that well to late WOTC - early EX reverse holos, as seen above.
It doesn’t show that well but the Legend Maker reverse holo Magnemite is probably one of my favorite Magnemites since the darkened background due to the holo makes it stand out more.
Lots of different foil types here between the English BW, XY and SM reverses, mirrors, McDonalds confetti and one cracked ice that doesn’t show that well. Also the fantastic CHR.

Onto the Magnetons! The Vending Machine one stands out a lot on the first page since it’s so simplistic compared to the rest of them. Skyridge H18 is another favorite.
The third page of Magnetons is somewhat empty with the Japanese only holo Holon’s Magneton and three other Tons (one shown below). On the flip side, the 4th page is filled with assorted reverse holos and Evolutions Magneton.

Now for the Magnezones! The first page is also somewhat empty, but at least I have one holo border in the form of the 11th Movie Commemoration Set Magnezone. Second page makes me hope for a VMAX Magnezone.
The third page is hilariously unfortunate. At least it’ll get broken up by a Forbidden Light one?

For Beldum, Metang and Metagross, my goals are similar to Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone. However I have an exception each for Metagross and Metang. For Metagross, I’m currently excluding the gold star, though I do want to pick one up eventually. I suppose that’s a longer term goal. For Metang, I’m excluding Black Star Promo 23 and I’m not quite sure if I’ll ever pick one up due to its cost/rarity. My binder for these is also less organized than the magnets since I originally planned on only collecting Beldum, then found myself picking up Metang and Metagross cards anyway.

The first Beldum page is solely occupied by the EX Deoxys one, which is not a bad one to have. The Undaunted set by TOKIYA are definitely some of my favorite cards for the three and I’m forever bitter the Metagross wasn’t holo rare. I’m also glad ADV-P 44 is so much cheaper compared to its counterpart, since I love the art.
Various Metagross and a Metang in no good order. I really need to resort my binder.
This part is the misc section of my binder, which are various side collections and cards that don’t fit the above goals.

My Pyukumuku “collection” and the start of my Magnemite cameo collection. I like all three cards it has a lot, the soft colors and style by You Iribi, a crotchet by Asako Ito and of course Ooyama’s style. I’m still debating if I want to go for every print of Magnemite’s cameos or just go for a reprint in a set with a reverse I like. Magnemite in Computer Error generally sums up how I feel

Aggron is another steel mon I like a lot, so I’ll probably go for a set of its line when I’m done with Metagross. The Kyogre gold star I obtained somehow (I know I didn’t pull it) in my childhood and didn’t know the rarity of, so it’s fairly beat up. It’s still a very neat card. Other notable things on the first page include a couple first editions (including a first edition I traded for unknowingly also from my childhood) and a German first edition Magnemite that’s much lighter in color compared to the shadowless. On the top left of the second page is a Korean reverse holo and a theme deck exclusive nonholo Magnezone.

The current last page of my binder. I’ve always liked the colors/action on the Crystal Guardians Lairon.

Some newer gets I also played with on the scanner. The Power Keepers Magneton especially didn’t come out great. On the bright side though, finally grabbed all the Hidden Fates shiny vault cards I need, along with a Dark Magneton, which is another one of my favorite arts.


Some recentish gets, not much progress to my main goals but some neat pickups nonetheless.
Meant to post this with first post but misplaced the pic, but I finally figured out how to (somewhat) protect the art card that came with the Kanto mini tin.

Mercari get from last week I mildly regret, since I didn’t realize every card had some sort of damage. Oh well, I’ll replace them eventually. The Delta Metagross is still cool, so I’ll live.

Got the last high rarity Magnezone I need plus a Base set 2 Magneton, which I kinda prefer to the original Base set due to the cosmos holo.

Some pickups from the local card store. Grabbed the two FA supporters I wanted, of which neither are steel type trainers funny enough. Rest of the cards are random grabs from the bulk boxes, including the World Championship deck Magneton I missed from the last time I went there.

Also picked up some moles, which are another favorite Pokemon of mine.


Looking good! It’ll have a few more JP ones added to it soon enough!

I like this thread a lot :blush: Keep up the good work!

Good to see another coil fan. I’m also partial to beldum (and aron) as well. One for you to maybe look out for is klink from Steam Siege. It’s an homage to the Team Rocket one by the same illustrator, Miki Tanaka.

Thanks for the compliments! I did pick up a Steam Siege Klink because I also noticed the art callback. And yes, I’m very excited for my Japanese Mites.

Another smallish update today, I’m waiting for two envelopes to fall out of the void. One’s been MIA since last week :/. Top three were from a r/pkmntcgtrades trade, which finishes off my league promo Magnezones. The rest I bought from a fellow Efour member, which I’m excited about since Legend Maker reverese holos are always fantastic.


So I’ll bite. :blush: Why these guys specifically? What makes them your favorites?

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Cool collection, keep us posted!

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I personally love Magnemite and Magneton. Very cool to see a dedicated collector of them


Beldum and metagross are some of my all time favs! My biggest collection issue is that metagross never got a eseries holo

For Magnemite, it’s a combination of its appearance (it’s cute in a weird way and at its basic, silly) and the fun fact in the games Magnemite has been in every regional dex (up to SwSh pre DLC).
The Beldum and Aron lines are similar in cutesy basic (Beldum and Aron) and cool fully evolved (Metagross and Aggron).
Steel is my favorite typing in general, probably cause I’m biased to a good (competitively speaking, though I don’t even play competitively) typing but also the design range of more organic/animallike Pokemon to more artificial Pokemon, which is neat.Pyukumuku once again is because it’s cute. It’s a cutecumber, that’s it.

Yeah I’m disappointed Metagross didn’t get a eseries holo too! I’m slightly glad that means one less pricey card though, heh.

Recent pickups from the card shop:

Was planning on finally biting the bullet and buying the S3 Vending cards they had, but got beaten to the punch. Oh well, ended up grabbing most of the Metagross V/Max in English and several low tier WOTC cards I needed, including a 2000 Base set and some creased Team Rockets I’ll probably replace eventually.
One of my envelopes finally arrived with some theme deck exclusives and a Base Set Magneton.


Some smaller gets before a large one hopefully arrives tomorrow.
First time I’ve seen a LC holo in real life and it looks pretty good! I’m disappointed there’s a print line, but meh, could be worse. This leaves me three (non misprint) English Kinebuchi Magnemites left to get, which are the regular LC Mite, 2D first ed and 3D first ed.
Another pair of firsts, my first Chinese Magnets and first graded cards. I obviously prefer binder cards, but for the rarity and price I thought I might as well pick them up. I was mildly worried about how rough it was gonna be to find the Chinese Legend Makers, so that makes my life a lot easier.


The Chinese Legend Maker ones are super cool, for me, the different language characters is what sets them apart, being a middle ground between Korean and Japanese.

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yes. The Legendary Collection Reverse Holos are amazing! I’m going to work on that binder set after I’m done with Shadowless base!

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Good luck! I can see LC reverse holos being one of the harder sets to complete money wise, but it’d be pretty worth it.

As I hinted yesterday, a box of things arrived from Japan today. Big thanks to @pigeonsyndicate for middlemanning for me, a couple of these I’ve been eying for a while but rarely show up on Yahoo. In no particular order:

Got a lot of the ORAS scrap cards, but these were some of the ones I was after in particular. I love all the details/style of the Mt. Chimney card (the trainers, the silly Pikachu, the detailing of Slateport and Mt. Chimney, the meteors unfortunately cut off in the card). Still need to pick up the regular Megagross card and the Steven + Megagross key art card.
A couple Japan exclusive cards. Rebecca’s Metagross is a contender for one of my least favorite Metagross cards, mostly because of the color scheme (blue on orange on purple is ugh). On the other hand, the Everyone’s Exciting Battle Aggron is probably one of my favorite Aggrons for the green/blue forest juxtaposition with big metal dinosaur. Meanwhile gym challenge promo Aron does Aron things.

A duo of Reviving Legends reverse holos that I picked up because HGSS reverse holos and as I’ve said before, one of my favorite art sets of the three. I’ll pick up a Metagross eventually.

No rarity old backs, nothing super amazing but always neat.
A seemingly random lot of Mites. Relevance in next pic :wink: .

Some rare Coils and a Rarecoil. The UED was part of the lot above casually displayed with its no first ed, so I snapped it up. It’s the 2nd UED I’ve seen on Mercari, the first in a big WCP lot that had ended by the time I got around to looking at it again. The first eds were from a seller who had a bunch of first ed WCP. I believe WCP UED Mite is the rarest Japanese Mite, so it’s all downhill from here Japanese wise (aside from dealing with potato Yahoo/Mercari pics trying to identify ex era codes). I don’t think I’ll go for a full Magneton set so I’m not too worried about trying to find a UED one of those.

Another very interesting lot. The DP Zones and the Metagross ex are rather beat, but for the price (666 yen) and the fact I may not see another UED WCP Metagross ex for a very long time, I think it was very worth it.

The rest of the gets were for my non card collections.

One of my side collections is charms/keychains/pins of my favorite mons, so thought I’d grab this Steven/Megagross/Skarmory set. I believe it was part of the Steven themed merch set that came out around ORAS release. As an aside, I always thought it was slightly odd the third charm is Skarmory instead of Aggron but not that I’m complaining, Skarmory is another cool mon.

Another collection of mine is video game soundtracks. I’ve been meaning to grab the SMG2 and SM3DW soundtracks for a while now and finally got around to it. The box contains a music box given out as a bonus for Yoko Shimomura’s 30th anniversary orchestra concert, which I picked up since Yoko Shimomura is one of my favorite composers.

(Potato picture but I love the tiny sparkles on the SMG2 booklet.)


Glad it all arrived at their forever homes👍 Maybe I should’ve taken a closer look at those ORAS cards, that slateport one is beautiful!! The nostalgia flooded back but was better thanks to the awesome dynamics of the picture.


Been focusing on other collections lately, so not much on the cardboard front. I did stop by the card shop today and picked up some swords, along with some ideas for the Secret Santa. The reverse holo sowsow Honedge still eludes me.

Onto the main point of this tiny update. I recently claimed in the hierarchy thread that I was almost done with the English and Japanese Magnemites, but upon looking at the spreadsheet I recently put together based on Quuador’s list, I’m not really that close lol :stuck_out_tongue: .
I am over halfway on English at least, so that’s good. The majority of English cards I have left are EX era bulk, particularly the alternate codes. If anyone has advice on getting the alt codes without spending too much I’m all ears. :grin:


Man your collection is incredible! I LOVE that Slateport artwork!

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Love your collection!

Needs a stadium metang :blush:A bunch have been pupping up in the past couple weeks so maybe this is a buyers market? (I bought 3 this month)

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Thanks! Dang, if I had the money I’d pick one up. I’m a bit surprised at the prices considering there’s only ~350 in existence, but then again Metang isn’t the most popular Pokemon.
Another small update this week, nothing super special. Got some neat things coming in the mail though.

A while back I picked up a slabbed Chinese Legend Maker, assuming I wouldn’t find a raw one for a while. Funny enough not long after this raw one popped up, though I only just finally pulled the trigger on it.

Some older Dialgas from a friend. Both neat arts, never realized the right one was done by Arita.
I stopped by the card shop again, still no Fusion Strike Pyukumukus but picked up some holos from the bulk boxes. Normally I don’t mind 5ban, but I’m mildly disappointed Dialga and Palkia didn’t get cool arts like every other legendary. Maybe it’s a reference to Diamond and Pearl being the first mainline games to have a 3D engine or even the title screen?
I also realized while I was taking this picture I scuffed a corner, pain.
They also had some random Korean holos, so might as well grab those. The Magnemite is rather scratched but meh, for the price and the fact I’m bindering, it could be worse. Rummaging through the bulk boxes is a bit of a fruitless endeavor Magnemite wise, since they primarily get newer SwSh bulk and I’ve looked through most of their EX era bulk already, but managed to find the first of the EX Dragon 63s I need.