Sample Packs and Dollar Tree Packs (Guide + Gallery)

Hello there folks. I’ve noticed a lot of confusion lately surrounding these thin packs floating about and I figured I’d clear that up as best as possible. So let’s start by breaking this down:

Sampling Packs:

Sampling packs are a promotional item. There have been a number of ways they have found themselves distributed. Some notable ones are:

-In Children’s Magazines (Including, but not limited to: Pokemon Official Magazine, National Geographic Kids, and K-Zone)
-Official Pokemon Miniature Albums (Binders)
-At Pokemon-sanctioned events
-In blister packs with regular booster packs

The key word here is SAMPLING. This is illustrated clearly in the image below.

Sampling packs first started to appear in English at the beginning of the HeartGold & SoulSilver block. You can reference the specific images in the gallery section at the end of the article. The earliest known sampling packs are actually from the DP era and were released only in French. The purpose of the product is strictly to garner attention for the TCG and the specific set advertised within the pack. Sampling packs ONLY contain common cards, making them virtually worthless to open for an involved collector. Sampling packs have been distributed routinely since their inception but the method and location has changed. US releases have occurred intermittently with blister products and Mini Collector’s Albums, but these products have not represented every set. European magazine releases have faithfully included these since HGSS but only the Official Pokemon Magazine can be counted upon to deliver them. Other children’s magazines have had them on occasion. On August 20th, 2015 a special event was held in London at the Entertainer to advertise the game where Ancient Origins sampling packs were also freely distributed, but this has been the only distribution of this kind [READ MORE ABOUT THE EVENT HERE].

During the Black and White Base Set release, there was also a functional variant of the Sampling Packs called a Preview Pack. It bears all of the same external qualities as a Sampling Pack save the word “sampling,” which is replaced with Preview for no apparent reason. I’ve included an image here with Preview clearly marked. A sample pack was released for Black and White Base Set as well, so the reason for the introduction of the Preview pack is unknown. Preview packs were not released for any other set before or after Black and White Base Set. The contents of a preview pack are also slightly different. Instead of varying between packs slightly in the contents, a Black and White preview pack will always include the following five common cards in this order: Lillipup (81/114), Patrat (78/114), Purrloin (66/114), Pidove (84/114), and Sandile (63/114).

Dollar Tree Packs:

For these, I will start with what they are NOT. These are NOT SAMPLING PACKS. These have been mislabelled as sampling packs by numerous collectors and sellers, likely amidst the confusion and lack of advertisement, but they share no characteristics with the Sampling Packs except the reduced number of cards contained within. Here is a quick breakdown of the differences:

-One pack artwork per set
-Contains only commons
-Given away as a promotional item
-Released in multiple countries
-Released in multiple languages

Dollar Tree:
-Number of pack artworks matches standard boosters
-Contains cards of all rarities
-Sold at participating Dollar Tree stores
-Released only in the United States of America
-Released only in English

Dollar Tree packs are essentially abbreviated booster packs. Dollar Tree packs do not guarantee a rare in every pack but do not exclude the possibility of pulling one. Secret Rare, Ultra Rare, Holo Rare, and Rare cards are all available within these packs but are set at rates differently from traditional booster packs. Unlike traditional booster packs, these abbreviated boosters are ONLY available at participating Dollar Tree retailers through an exclusive licensing deal. The earliest Dollar Tree packs are XY Base Set and they have continued to be released since that time. Dollar Tree packs did not hit shelves until 2015, meaning that the XY Base Set Dollar Tree Packs were released significantly after the sets regular release. After the first set hit shelves and had been out for a few months, the next four sets (FlashFire, Furious Fists, Phantom Forces, and Primal Clash) were released simultaneously, presumably to bring the releases up to date with the regular booster schedule. Stores in different regions of the United States reported having different sets, giving the impression that these were regional releases, but with time stores stocked what sets they were missing and it was proven false that Dollar Tree packs were going to see regional variations in distribution. Following Primal Clash, Dollar Tree Packs have stayed consistent with the set releases but lagging slightly for reasons unknown to us.

The easiest way to tell a Dollar Tree pack apart from a Sampling Pack is the presence of “3 Additional Game Cards” where “Sampling Pack” or “Preview Pack” would otherwise be:

While the pull ratios on Dollar Tree Packs have proven difficult, if not impossible, to determine, they serve as an accessible alternative to people who want to experience the thrill of opening packs at a reduced price ($1.00 USD versus the typical MSRP $4.19 USD) or who want to try their luck at a better return for a reduced cost. Unlike the Sampling and Preview Packs, you aren’t necessarily wasting your time opening these.

I hope that this clears up some of the confusion.


Here is a complete gallery of all of the Sampling Packs and Dollar Tree Packs to date (1/31/16).

Sample Pack/Preview Pack Scans:

HGSS Base Set Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

HGSS Unleashed Sampling Pack:

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HGSS Undaunted Sampling Pack:

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HGSS Triumphant Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

Call of Legends Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

Black and White Base Set Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

Black and White Base Set Preview Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

BW Emerging Powers Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

BW Noble Victories Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

BW Next Destinies Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

BW Dark Explorers Sampling Pack:

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BW Dragons Exalted Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

BW Boundaries Crossed Sampling Pack:

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BW Plasma Storm Sampling Pack:

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BW Plasma Freeze Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

BW Plasma Blast Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

BW Legendary Treasures Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Base Set Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Flashfire Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Furious Fists Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Phantom Forces Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Primal Clash Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Roaring Skies Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Ancient Origins Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY BREAK Through Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY BREAK Point Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Fates Collide Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Steam Siege Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Evolutions Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

Sun & Moon Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Guardians Rising Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Ultra Prism Sampling Pack:

SPOILER: Click to show

Dollar Tree Pack Scans:
XY Base Set Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Blastoise):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Base Set Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Venusaur):

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XY Base Set Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: Xerneas):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Base Set Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Yveltal):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Flashfire Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Charizard X):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Flashfire Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Charizard Y):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Flashfire Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: M Kangaskhan):

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XY Flashfire Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Pyroar):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Furious Fists Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Hawlucha):

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XY Furious Fists Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Heracross):

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XY Furious Fists Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: M Lucario):

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XY Furious Fists Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Tyrantrum):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Phantom Forces Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Diancie):

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XY Phantom Forces Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Gengar):

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XY Phantom Forces Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: Aegislash Shield Forme):

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XY Phantom Forces Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: M Manectric):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Primal Clash Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Aggron):

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XY Primal Clash Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Gardevoir):

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XY Primal Clash Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: M Groudon):

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XY Primal Clash Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: M Kyogre):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Roaring Skies Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Gallade):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Roaring Skies Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Deoxys):

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XY Roaring Skies Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: M Latias):

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XY Roaring Skies Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: M Rayquaza):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Ancient Origins Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Groudon Shiny):

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XY Ancient Origins Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: Hoopa Unbound):

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XY Ancient Origins Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: M Rayquaza Shiny):

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XY Ancient Origins Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: M Tyranitar):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY BREAK Through Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Houndoom):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY BREAK Through Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Mewtwo X):

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XY BREAK Through Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: M Mewtwo Y):

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XY BREAK Through Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Zoroark BREAK):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY BREAK Point Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: Delphox BREAK):

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XY BREAK Point Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: Greninja BREAK):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY BREAK Point Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: M Gyarados Shiny):

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XY BREAK Point Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: M Scizor):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Fates Collide Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Alakazam):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Fates Collide Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: Lugia BREAK):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Fates Collide Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: Luxray BREAK):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Fates Collide Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Zygarde 100% Form):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Steam Siege Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Gardevoir Shiny):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Steam Siege Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: Volcanion):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Steam Siege Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: Xerneas BREAK):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Steam Siege Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Yveltal BREAK):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Evolutions Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: M Blastoise):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Evolutions Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: M Charizard Y):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Evolutions Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: Raichu):

SPOILER: Click to show

XY Evolutions Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: M Venusaur):

SPOILER: Click to show

Sun & Moon Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: Decidueye):

SPOILER: Click to show

Sun & Moon Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: Incineroar):

SPOILER: Click to show

Sun & Moon Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: Lunala):

SPOILER: Click to show

Sun & Moon Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Primarina):

SPOILER: Click to show

Sun & Moon Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 5: Solgaleo):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Guardians Rising Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 1: Alolan Ninetales):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Guardians Rising Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 2: Kommo-o):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Guardians Rising Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 3: Lycanroc Midnight Form):

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SM Guardians Rising Dollar Tree Pack (Artwork 4: Tapu Koko):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 1: Ho-oh):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 2: Marshadow):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 3: Necrozma):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 4: Tapu Fini):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 1: Ho-oh):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 2: Marshadow):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 3: Necrozma):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Burning Shadows Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 4: Tapu Fini):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 1: Buzzwole):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 2: Guzzlord):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 3: Kartana):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Short Pack (Artwork 4: Silvally):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 1: Buzzwole):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 2: Guzzlord):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 3: Kartana):

SPOILER: Click to show

SM Crimson Invasion Dollar Tree Long Pack (Artwork 4: Silvally):

SPOILER: Click to show


Enlightening, I was definitely not aware of the difference. Thanks for this!


Excellent thread, very comprehensive and enjoyable to read even as an exclusively Japanese collector. :slight_smile:


Thanks Oz. I put a lot of time and effort into this and I was nervous about it being too niche to benefit most people. I’m glad it can be enjoyed even by those who don’t need the article for their own collecting uses. This was some needed encouragement.


Thanks for sharing your accumulated knowledge for us! Its threads like these that make a difference. (Btw sorry for saying the $T pack was a sample in my dm. I knew better! :stuck_out_tongue: ) haha

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I’m happy you turned my almost completed collection to a completed collection. Been chasing the HGSS base + COL one forever. happy you caught it! Maybe explore French sampling packs, they’re dated before HGSS which is tough to complete!

Yeah! I wrote about the French DP ones in the article. I’d love to have the scans for a more comprehensive gallery, but I don’t think I care enough to spend my money on it. Haha

This is an amazing guide!! Thanks for sharing. :blush:

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Now I’ve got it crystal clear.

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Good work. Thanks for taking the time:)

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When my Dollar Tree Restocks with them I will buy about 20 packs and will post the semi ratio of the pull. I am sure it is like 0.00001% for anything good

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I would rather you resell them sealed at a fair price. Pokemon Phantom Forces 3 Card Packs at Dollar Tree

I’ll buy about 10 packs extras and just sell them.

Since I am sure some collectors will want them.

If they had an entei one. I would buy Every single one.

I think that every booster collector who is unable to find in stores would be interested in buying.

Anyone that wants a legitimately complete Pack collection will have to have these. They are sanctioned set boosters for their respective sets.

I figure most will probably brush them off though. People don’t seem as interested in the challenge of a chase as they used to.

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I could provide a scan of the French XY Roaring Skies (Ciel Rugissant) Sampling Pack if it’s of interest.

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If we’re going to investigate the possibility of expanding the image gallery, we should start with a list of what we know is out there. Here is what I know of. I’ve taken the liberty of tagging people who might have extra information in each category:

XY Base Set [Have Scan]

Fairly certain they have everything DP-on. Any corrections here French (or otherwise) friends?

Any information?
@bouncepaw (More Russian ones?)
@pokemoncenteritaly (Any Italian ones?)
@pokeniels (Anything Dutch or otherwise that you know of?)
@elam18 (You were involved in these for so long. Thought you might know something I don’t.)
@tonysandlin (You know stuff)

Someone tag anyone with Portuguese or Spanish information.

French is confirmed DP to BW. Not sure about XY. sold most of my stuff before XY.

I have Roaring Skies so it’s likely to have continued through XY

I have seen just on eBay France almost every XY set.