Here’s my little contribution to this thread. I’ve much enjoyed seeing all the different errors and misprints everyone has! I only collect miscuts specifically now, but a few years ago I was very much into collecting all sorts of errors! Specifically the ones that were unique to the card were to my best taste, but the ones that were well known were also great to have. The ones that were always errors and never corrected were somewhat cool in their own right but ehh, more of a knowledge enhancement for the card in question.
Some of these pictures aren’t the best, as I’m currently not home with these cards so I don’t have the best lighting, and also I sold off most of my error/misprint collection a couple years back to focus on just miscuts, but I still have a few older photos of some of them.
I’ll start with my own mew from secret wonders. I knew the one I had was a holo error, and it’s part of my complete secret wonders set. However, @deku made me check my own, as I wasn’t aware of the “specie” error! Turns out we match right up (had to take this picture in a bit of a darker lighting to show the holo error better)
It’s also pretty clear that @scratchdesk likes his textureless full art misprints. Haha I had already shown him this portuguese gallade that I used to have, I do kindof miss this one sometimes.
The “filp” a coin errors were already mentioned, but they were the psyduck and weepinbell from ‘HS’ Triumphant. Unfortunately they were never caught and fixed. I always liked to joke that nobody could play this card in a game because nobody knows how to “filp a coin”
@fritz already showed the sideways fist error diglett. This was also one of my favorites. Not a very common error to come across.
The no symbol jungle holos are pretty infamous. Used to own a few such as this guy.
Anybody like crimped cards?
These next few I still have, but would be willing to let go… Just haven’t really had them posted anywhere. The phanpy from call of legends that has it’s own name spelled incorrectly in the pokebody. This was known and was corrected fairly quickly if I remember right. I think you could only pull it from call of legends packs that were in some sort of promo box. And also followed by a few OC/slightly miscut cards that I don’t really have a need for. (Caterpie is 4th print)
Lastly, these are the 4 error/misprints that I just couldn’t let go of. It might be partly sentimental because I pulled 3/4.
First up we have aipom from ‘HS’ Triumphant. This was the one that I did not pull. Snagged from ebay way back in the day. The error is pretty easy to spot. “Gmitate” and “Tail Runch” Haha, there weren’t too many of these that turned up, but there were enough for it to be a documented error. I believe there was a crobat from unleashed that had a similar error.
Next is a bulbasaur ink smear from Dark Explorers. Pulled this guy from a Dark Explorers booster box and wow! Ink smear in the name and near the bottom left of the picture. I’m not sure if this could be replicated or not, but it seems like with the right tools/skill it could be done. You’ll just have to take my word on this one. Haha.
Getting toward the end, we have lanturn reverse holo from aquapolis. This was pulled from an aquapolis booster box that I opened, and I didn’t realize it was an error until several years later. (Maybe you’ll see why, it is somewhat easy to miss.) The regular version on the right is just for comparison, but last I checked, Lightning Ball was not a pokebody
And lastly is my personal favorite. Espeon holo error from Neo Discovery. Right away I thought when I pulled it that it was kindof a lame holo but that’s just because this particular version didn’t have any! It’s only has some slight holo in the 2 silver looking spots. Straight from the booster box, and no other holos from the box had any sort of defects. The regular version is on the left for comparison. I’ve seen this particular error 2 other times online. One I think was on this forum somewhere…
Well, that’s about all I got folks. Hope everyone enjoyed, as I enjoy seeing all the ones everyone else has for sure!
– Joe