I’ve personally only seen the English, Italian, and German ones thus far. German from the thread you’ve linked at the top; the Italian Rapidash was on eBay a couple of months ago (fun fact: they all have the new Japanese card backs); and the English ones here. (I’ve just added the Italian pictures above to my almost forgotten picture dump thread.)
I’m especially curious about the Danish and Swedish ones (and would love to own one card of each), since there aren’t any other cards in those languages. And, being Dutch myself, I’m also curious about the Dutch cards.
PS: When I asked the person who added that information to Bulbapedia how he had heard about it, he mentioned the following:
A thread on efour or PokeGym had someone (I think a father of one of the participants) post pictures of the lesser/never seen English cards from the deck and they recounted that info. The Italian cards you’ve seen may have come from the revised version from the 2002 World Championships. I’ve never been able to find decent information on the event so I can’t say for certain. Also, make sure to end your messages with ~~~~. glikglak 17:43, 19 April 2019 (UTC)
So those Italian ones were most likely from a different source.
Apparently he heard about it either here or on PokéGym from a father of one of the participants when English cards were shown. Maybe he misremembered and it actually was that earlier thread showing the German cards, since @andremon does mention the following: