Top auction results from China

I mean obviously not absolutely everyone but the general sentiment and narrative does point in that direction after reading a couple threads it can be summarized in

good value for your personal collection, purely investment not undervalued / go with english, jp will stagnate or grow very slow if at all compared to english

Some posts claim quite literally " Vintage JP will never see a rise"

With seeing the recent chinese market action, japanese cards are the older originals, modern being priced higher, its only a matter of time imo until this market lag corrects over jp vintage. If i learned something from stocks and crypto is that you should always aim to “buy low”

With that being said you have to consider the supply aswell with each set. Jp Eseries, jp neo, jp baseset all have different pullrates from eachother and vs english but longterm the chinese will make that more insignificant if the trend continues which i dont see why it shouldnt.

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