Ultra Jumbo Base Set

July 2000:


@justinator @quuador sneaky Pikachu ultra jumbo :wink: obviously not TCG but would be cool nonetheless!


Think these might be the same ones that @thecharizardauthorty showed in his epic purchase videos a couple of months back. I remember seeing the Charmander and the Fire Energy… not the Pikachu though.

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Do you have a link to the video would be keen to check it out!

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Thanks for that picture, @shizzlemetimbers. And I’d also like to see that video!

Although it would be cool to own the Pikachu, I probably won’t buy it even if it does pop up for sale (unless it’s to resell again). I simply don’t have the room (except on the attic, which is kinda a waste of a collector’s item imo). :blush:


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Link is there. It was part of the huge purchase he made a bit back. He says there are seven total, but only has three. I would have already bought the pikachu if he had it :wink:


Thank You, now I know the history of my 2 cards.

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it’s crazy that little oddities like this are still being discovered. I wonder what else is in store


Thanks for the tag, it is cool to see some info on these! The seven I have do not include the Pikachu.

Fire Energy
Grass Energy


How did you ever notice this in the magazine? That’s crazy attentiveness. Really cool find, I wonder if they one thecharizardauthority has are the same ones in the magazine or if there were multiples produced.

Also, which one is the one above the kids shoulder in the circle cutout? You can only see the top right corner of it. it looks like a charmeleon only the wrong colors

It’s definitely charmeleon.

Seen a picture on your FB page and wondered if some of the cards there where these ultra Jumbos, would love to own these cards

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Mine is the correct colors

Those are the ones. These are in my personal collection for display at the moment.

Were these produced by wotc? It seems strange to just have that one jungle card thrown in with all the Base set cards.

How many of these where made i would love to own at least one of them. I am guessing not many and the are either $100+ or $1000+ per card

I have no idea. Until this post came up I had found no info on them. The person I bought them off of stated they were given out in her league, but she could not remember any details.

I wonder if they were part of that display on the old tv clip someone shared here a while back - where they taught you how to play. I remember seeing some enlarged base set cards along the walls?

Sorry to bump this. But today I received my Pokémon ‘Bible’, and while browsing through it I noticed this picture (on page 345):

So it seems there are even bigger ‘Ultimate Jumbos’. Based on the picture this one seems to be almost 2 meters high… :face_with_spiral_eyes: (And it’s a Shadowless Yellow Cheeks Pikachu.) Another one for the list, @justinator :wink:



Only way to find those is finding the WotC employee responsible for promotional materials. Stuff like this is just trashed after it’s no longer needed. Because marketeers don’t give a flying rats ass about their material as long as the product is being sold.


Sorry for bumping this thread over 3 years later, but would you mind posting a picture of that? I’m curious about those Ultimate Jumbos you’re talking about but can’t find them anywhere

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