*Unconfirmed* Potential Ebay Bucks Changes

As part of the ebay council I see unreleased items from time to time. Got this today. If true losing 1% bucks is meh… But having them last a year far outweighs that.


Meh, this is annoying. But having a year to spend is nice. What is the ebay council?

A group that gives feedback on potential changes Ebay is making.

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I like how they’ve created something official sounding. More companies should do exactly this. The [Company Name] Council.

I’ve been buying and selling on eBay for like 15 years and have never heard of eBay Bucks. Do I live under a rock?

I just hope that by eliminating the 1% on everything they don’t reimpose the $5 min earned in a quarter just from specials. Would make the whole system useless unless you buy often and high dollar value. I’ll probably be buying less cause i buy on ebay when prices are the same to get the bucks. Might rethink where i buy now.

It’s been out for probably 8 years so yes

I’m hoping that targeted offers are more frequent and a larger % now that they aren’t paying out millions in bucks per day.


Lol so not only have they knocked their “special offers” all the way down to a measly five percent (which seems like a fixed number now), but they are now also getting rid of everyday Bucks?

The best part is they try to placate their users by saying, “Well now you have more time to use the Bucks you have accumulated!” Lmao. As if that actually means anything.

Can’t say I’m surprised, but it’s annoying, to say the least.


Wouldn’t that cost them more in the long run?

Honestly eBay bucks were always a bonus to begin with so I won’t entitledly complain that they’re being retracted.

However, their marketing is horrible and the so called “benefit” of having them last a year rather than a quarter seems like a last second bullshit strategy they came up with to tone down the anticipated commotion. A while back eBay reduced the everyday return from 2% to 1%, and they phrased their public announcement exactly like this one. Where they give the negligible “good news” second to make people believe it’s an improvement.

I don’t feel entitled to eBay bucks because eBay doesn’t owe me anything, but to brush off a a huge neg for a minor plus is shameful structure.

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Yeah, I’m doubting this is gonna end with more frequent/better offers, though I hope I’m wrong. ebay likely understands that whether they offer 0% or 10%, buyers aren’t going anywhere. 1% certainly isn’t going to stop anyone from shopping on ebay, so this is just easy savings for them. Hell, they could probably just remove the program completely lol.

The 1% was probably a marketing tactic and now that eBay is having some of its best results ever (thanks card collectors), it doesn’t need to spend the money anymore. Where else are we going to go to get basically any card we want when we want it?

You are right in saying that eBay doesn’t owe us anything, but their horrific customer service and policies (particularly for sellers) are what make this more aggravating than it should be. I think they should work more on improving their customer service (which I actually do think they owe us, considering they make a ton of money off of us) rather than removing one of the few things that actually benefits us, but like a poster above said: they have all of the leverage in the world, so it is what it is.


IMO this is a net negative. Given how hot the market is, if you find a card you’re searching for and don’t buy it right away it will most likely be gone within a day or two. So the chance that a “better” eBay bucks deal will be active at the same time you find and purchase a chase card seems to be pretty low to me.

I’m guessing ebay bucks was limited to the US since I’ve never heard about it in Europe :confused:

I haven’t been “qualified” for a targeted bucks offer since forever, despite having an account with all promo emails on since 2001. This sucks if true