As far as I’m aware, only the Tropical Mega Battle Release Tyranitar Half Deck was released in English, containing the following VS set cards:
- Janine’s Beedrill
- Bugsy’s Yanma
- Karen’s Rapidash
- Pryce’s Cloyster
- Clair’s Mantine
- Jasmine’s Raichu
- Morty’s Hypno
- Will’s Girafarig
- Bruno’s Hitmonchan
- Chuck’s Donphan
- Falkner’s Fearow
- Whitney’s Furret
- Tropical Breeze
- Energy Ark
- Super Scoop Up
- Switch
- Potion
- And one of each six basic Energy cards (Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Psychic, Fighting)
The English ones I’ve seen:
The Deck was also printed in German and Italian (and probably also French and Spanish).
Here some pictures of a few Italian cards:
And here some pictures of the entire deck (except for the Energy cards) in German:
Also, this deck was first given at the Tropical Mega Battles, and later on at the 2002 World Championships.
The English Clair’s Mantine was initially printed with an error, where it had a resistance to Psychic instead of Fighting:
The ones given at the Tropical Mega Battle had this misprint, and the ones given at the 2002 World Championship had the corrected version. This misprint is arguably the rarest misprint ever in Pokémon, considering less than 50 of these VS decks were printed in general, and only around 10 with this misprint.
(Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the corrected version in English.)
Some info about these decks in other languages can be found in this recent thread.