What is the most unknown and unique card you know about?

Found out about them two years ago while scrolling bulbapiedia’s Topps page.
I asked if anyone knew anything on e4 discord and I don’t remember getting any replies. I was closely monitoring eBay since.
A huge Topps collector (the one who created the original Topps thread on e4, samsamsam) used a middleman on eBay to sell his 15 cards as seen in @Quuador’s photo, I purchased 3 from this lot and pokemontoppsuk bought the rest (or perhaps a selection).
Not too long afterwards a seller appeared on eBay selling 5 more cards.
I bought 4 and pokemon radar bought 1.

Since then I missed a series 1 charmeleon that was on eBay (I changed my saved searches so I wouldn’t miss it again).

I know of perhaps 5 other cards in existence that either other collectors own or their images just exist online.

I’m unsure but it could be possible two copies of “the best of the best” exist. I own one and another was in samsamsam’s eBay lot.

As well, two clefable exist; however, one is holographic and the other is not.