Following the same type rule they’re showcasing, give or take a member in preference:
Nidoking & Nidoqueen holding hands whilst jumping on the quaking ground.
Figure Four Fairyway Tapu’s at each corner.
Hypno & Alakazam & Alolan Marowak & Oranguru.
Hitmonlee & Hitmonchan & Hitmontop & Tyrogue.
Mega Houndoom & Mightyena with an a pack of pups from both legions.
Pumpkaboo & Shedinja (& Giratina). Autumn Hallowéen colours. Hmmmmm *Atmosphere* *Atmosphere* Think Pokémon Center Halloween Campaigns and October Rust. Shining Trevenant is where it’s at.
Delibird & Articuno. Winter equivalent to above. Kagemaru Himeno. Mmmmmm
Old Man on Cinnibar Gym roof & Missingno.
Muk & Weezing & Gulpun & Garbodor.
Siglyph in the middle of an Unown legion Saturn ring. Have Solrock and Lunatone in the back somewhere crusing.
Yveltal & Natu/Murkrow sitting on formers head in flight.
Ho-Oh & Lugi…no Xatu. Symbolism baby.
Mega Pinsir & Yanma/ Ledyba/ Scyther.
Tauros & Miltank.
Mega Abomasnow & Piloswine.
Kingdra & Dragalge. I want this one bad.
Octillery & Tentacruel & Cthulhu.
Parasect & Amoonguss & Morelull. Yuka Morii = Profit.
Blacephalon & Lampent.
Galvantula & Spinarak.
Jynx & Gothitelle. I went there. Deal with it.
Klefki & Magearna.
Dunsparce & Drampa/ Arceus.
Rhyhorn/Stunfisk & Primal Groudon.
Qwilfish/Pykumuku & Primal Kyogre.
Bagon & Mega Rayquaza/Mence. Thought about a mini dragon partner for Mega Ray and got the oh shit realisation remembering Bagon’s dream.
Mr. Mime & Hoopa Unbound. Impidimp would be brilliant in this combination.
All Pikachu Generation variations in one circuit mash up since both Raichu’s are officially holding hands.
Any fossil, most prefferably Kabutops & Armaldo.
Any Pokémon with alternate evolutions except for Megas X with Y. Alternatively full species members is a nice touch like the Porygons. All three Kyurems?
aaaaand my favourite, Ditto & Smeargle. Outer God Hothraky Black Lotus level. Smeargle ‘wielding’ Ditto through the tailbrush. A creative Yoshida/Komiya/Kinebuchi tribute psychedelic wormhole.
If you want to make another crazy spin you could make entire single type Trainer tag teams e.g. Elite Four member teams in style of Mato’s team portraits.
Lorelei (Ice). Bruno (Fighting). Agatha (Poison). Lance (Colourless). Sadly the Dragonairs aren’t Colourless anymore so Charizard can replace since we haven’t seen Zard lately. However since Pokémon like letting Lance slip through and screw the rules by later releasing his unatural mons at events on the video games, I see no actual reason why they can’t be lenient on this if considered. Logic dosen’t seem to apply to Lance, it catches up accepting him.
Pity that this mechanic is near the end as such mechanics from pervious turning point times of generations do, it’s a shame. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy to see the ugly ass BREAK’s go when they did, but on the other end I always wanted to see Reshiram and Zekrom LEGEND. Yin-Yang style. ¬_¬
As I’m decompartmentalising for reference, Pokémon please consider making some all. Apologies to anyone who’s mind has bled across the screen so thanks for getting this far, I’ve played monotype for some time.