What Japanese Promos to Start Collecting?

Hey all!

Got back into collecting last year with the rise in popularity. I’ve stuck to English the entire time and am looking to collect some Japanese cards since English is going crazy atm. I’ve been looking at Japanese Promo cards, and I’m wondering what would be some classic promos or sets of promos to collect. I’ve seen the Coro Coro promos. They look so cool and the price is still affordable for me. What would you recommend to someone who has just started collecting Japanese and is looking to get into Japanese promos? Thanks!

When I first started getting into Japanese promos I would go on Bulbapedia and look for Japanese exclusives from each promo set. Found a lot of really cool ones through this method.

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Welcome to the best world of Japanese cards, I hope you enjoy your stay

Some of my favorite promos include PCL labs

Pikachu and Raichu… although technically not exclusive as they were planned to be printed in English, they never made it out so they only exist in Japanese

and master key


Don’t suggest master key, it looks awesome then OP will get really sad when they find out the price


When did they get so expensive :slightly_frowning_face:

Pikachu promos from xy-p and newer with exclusive art

LMFAO yea I wouldn’t dream of getting a Master Key. I think I’m going to stay away from the bigger trophy cards for awhile, and probably forever. Some of the prices are so out of reach.

I have found a couple that I like. Thanks for the tip? Any personal favorites?

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Awesome decision!!! Japanese promos are what keeps me excited about the hobby.

For old, check out the Natta Wake set. Amazing unique art and very affordable.

For modern, anything Pikachu just slaps! Most recently, I’d pick up the Kanazawa Pikachu before it goes even higher in price!

That’s just the start, there’s so much out there to discover. Check out these great resources:



For the second link, you can also cycle between eras at the top using the left and right arrows.



Lol thanks for asking, gives me a reason to post some of my favorite promos yet again :relieved:
And as an added bonus you can still find them pop up for pretty cheap on Japanese markets.


My favorite are cards that require a player to win a certain amount of points or consecutive battles. Or cards that are winner cards, where they’re basically a step under a trophy. I’ll let you search for these on Bulbapedia as others have suggested, but some of these are true gems that get slept on. The search teaches you a lot and if someone gives you a laundry list you can lose out on a lot of knowledge


Not that they’re underpriced because values reflect what they’re worth, but Coros are a fun Jpn promo to collect. Plus, they won’t break the bank:)


I appreciate the resources, thanks!

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It’s the king himself :blush:

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Don’t forget about the vending series cards, some awesome exclusive artworks on those


So cards like the Players Club promos?

Players club promos do fall into that category but it’s from batting and completing tasks in an organized club. Try Gogoat XY-P and Copycat L-P and try to see where these come from and what the player had to do to earn it. I’ll let you research from there


Interesting stuff, thanks for the help on getting started

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Victory Medals!



There is no right or wrong answer and that’s why I’ve come to appreciate Japanese promos. All of the suggestions above are all great!

I’d suggest the 2000 Japanese Lucky Stadiums. It checks off a ton of boxes for someone diving into Japanese promos, such as myself. It’s a participation card, has GREAT artwork and pricing is relatively affordable :blush: bulbapedia link