WTB Mew & Mewtwo GX cards (Thai or Chinese, and Indonesian)

I doubt it’s within budget, since I paid around 350 USD for the Pikachu & Zekrom quartet plus a bunch of cheap Common Pikachu cards myself, but you could try to contact eBay user bababooshop for the Thai cards.
Unfortunately ojamacard.com usually doesn’t have the Secret or Hyper Rares in stock (I just checked, and only the regular 042/196 Full Art is in stock, the other three not), since they are definitely a lot cheaper than bababooshop…

PS: The Indonesian set has only been released one or two weeks ago (not sure what date, since it isn’t mentioned yet on the Bulbapedia page). Your best bet is probably to go to the ‘Pokémon Center TCG Indonesia (Buy/Sell/Trade)’ Facebook group and ask if someone is willing to help. When I created a post for the Pikachu cards when the first set was released quite a few people were willing to help, and I now have a great middleman (albeit he’s a bit slow in responding sometimes). Keep in mind that most of them say international shipping from Indonesia is expensive (i.e. 50-100 USD), but this is mainly because a lot of people there don’t know they can just go to their local post office to ship internationally for ~10 USD, so they use something like DHL instead. Although Indonesia to Australia is probably a lot cheaper than to the other side of the world (The Netherlands) anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

As for Chinese, I’m currently still waiting for news from my own middleman and I don’t know any Chinese webshops unfortunately… :slightly_frowning_face: But maybe @guangjoe is able to help you?


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