Very simple premise. If you could take any one card from all of Pokémon history and make it a holo, what would it be?
Really challenge yourself to pick just one card — one card that more than any other you’d love to have holo, if you could. Anyone can make a list, but can you pick just one?
This was really hard but also really easy. Easy because I made my mind up before even allowing myself to think about more. If I had allowed thought, I’d be in big trouble.
This is going to trigger some people with OCD. My favourite line is the Gastly, Haunter, Gengar line. My favourite sets are WOTC. The holo Haunter and Gengar fossil cards are some of my favourite cards. Gastly needs one too!
The problem is, if I really had to choose… I’m picking the base set Gastly…not the fossil Gastly. I’d have them in a neat little line in my binder and it wouldn’t bother me at all. The artwork just screams Gastly at me and I love it.
This Instagram user CollectibleInvestor (not sure if they’re on e4) has been creating these imagined non-holos as holographic and they are stunning images of what could have been. Although I’d prefer the galaxy/star Holo on this one so it falls in line with the other base set holos.