1 Like = $1 for Charity (UPDATE! DONATION POSTED!) (CLOSED)

Hello Friends!

Today is the first day of the Efour Discord “Survivor” Challenges! We are tasked with creating a thread, and the team who gets the most Likes by 9:30pm PST on their first post wins!

Our team came up with the idea that for EVERY LIKE THIS POST GET, I WILL DONATE $1 TO CHARITY!

Win Or Lose, we will be donating all the money from this post to a charity very close to my heart.

A21 is a nonprofit organization fueled by radical hope that human beings everywhere will be rescued from bondage and completely restored. We are the abolitionists of the 21st century. We work with you to free slaves and disrupt the demand.

We will edit this post with an update after the challenge has ended with the total and a screen cap of the donation😊

Thanks everyone! Now GO LIKE THIS POST!

UPDATE: An anonoymous user here has messaged me and would like to match the final amount we get at the end of this challenge! :laughing:

What crazy generosity and compassion! Let’s try and get more likes!!


@dunsparce0p 24 hour idea has already done more for the hobby than 2 years of discord :wink:


Currently at 50 Likes / $50


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Good idea, this will help me feel like I’ve done my good deed for the month

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We have now hit the 60 like / $60 milestone!

Fantastic idea, love it!! :heart:

Good guy Swole!

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**UPDATE:**An anonoymous user here has messaged me and would like to match the final amount we get at the end of this challenge! :laughing:

What crazy generosity and compassion! Let’s try and get more likes!!


Great idea :blush:

Making extra accounts now for more likes lol


I think this is the most liked post on the site!


40 mins left!

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Not trying to hijack this post, but I have an EFour charity project in the works and will be reaching out to many of you for help (don’t worry, it will be pretty easy to participate and won’t cost anything).


The Challenge has come to an end!

We were able to reach a total of $275!!! (Two other donators wanted to join in!)

Thank you so much for everyone who participated in this! Outside of this challenge, I truly do appreciate it and the donations will be going to a great great charity that means a lot to me.

I will post screenshots of everything in the morning!

Thank you again to everyone and to this community!


Thanks again to everyone who participated, as well as the two anonoymous donators! :blush:


Thank you for your, and the others’, generosity! It makes my heart happy and I hope I can be in a position in the near future to do things like this!


The real gift is that we all now have a receipt that can be used for tax purposes.

Tax write-offs for the whole forum!


The only thing bigger than Jeremy’s biceps, is his heart :milky_way: