10 Ultra Pro Premium 9 Pocket Binders - $50 Finder's Fee

Hey everyone,

I’m looking to finish up my binder collection and need to buy 10 more binders. I would like to purchase 10 of these Black Ultra Pro Premium 9-Pocket Binders. The problem is, this product appears to have been retired and replaced by something similar but with the words “PRO-BINDER” embellished on the front like so. I have purchased some of these as well but have found them to be cheaper in quality with the front and back pieces feeling like weak cardboard. I do NOT want this variation.

I do not expect someone on the form to have these binders to sell me, so what I am proposing is a $50 finders fee if someone is able to find me a seller who has 10 of these binders and can confirm that these are the variation of binders they are selling. Otherwise I will pay a $5 finder’s fee per binder that you are able to locate and confirm.

I’m in the US and would prefer products domestically to save on shipping for these larger items. Hopefully someone out there can help me out. Thanks!


I had no luck the other day with one of my posts asking about specific binder page rec’s. Best of luck in your search my man! (Haven’t seen these in a long time btw, so can’t be of any help myself, but don’t mind giving a little bumpy.)

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It’s funny you say this I thought I was going mad. I had a few yellow ones I purchased early this year. I’ve since ordered 50 or so from Amazon and only opened them recently to find the quality is now terrible. What on Earth have they done?!