100,000+ $1 card collection

Just my 100,000+ $1 collection rolling thread.
As you know, i sell Ultramodern but actually have a vintage collection also.
Majority $1 cost cards .
My thinking was $1 cards are worth more in the long run vs a few trophy cards that cost the same to acquire. There is no right or wrong way to collect. Just different ways.

Have fun.


Looking forward to seeing the other 99,981.


“Collection” or inventory?


I like vending! Do you have other vintage sets or corocoro promos?

Do you have a favorite set to collect?

these are not vending. (i do have vending also)
These are christmas red/green quick starter set singles.

I collect vintage.
sell ultra modern

As long as you are capable and willing to move large quantities. There are intangible aspects to value such as portability, convenience etc.

Sealed vs Singles…
You can buy a $100 in boxes (under msrp english or a couple of japanese boxes) Yes it will go up.

Or you could just buy all the buddy buddy poffins 10 cents - $1 for the last 8 months.
Lets say you got 200 at 50cents (its 10 cents in tcgplayer). You could sell the 200 for $600-1000 if you sold off early in Japan.

There are a lot of these type of opportunity , you just have to STOP LISTENING TO THOSE IDIOTS ON YOUTUBE.

buddy buddy price today (people give these to you free)

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Happy New Years
look foward to 2025
have fun with Pokemon cards.


Happy 2025, The boom is getting crazy. your Japanese inventory is gaining value fast.

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