The Kamex Mega Battles were a follow up to the previous Lizardon Mega Battles held earlier in the year. They were the final tournaments that issued trophy cards with the original No.1-3 trainer artworks:
I’ve translated a copy of the regional tournament handbooks, as well as several web archives for each tournament. There’s a few images missing, but hopefully you enjoy the read!
Some Highlights:
Each of the regional tournaments also hosted a Kangaskhan Parent-Child tournament! This is one of the most widespread officially documented sources of the trophy Kangaskhan promo
There were multiple competitors who made it to the Kamex Mega Battle finals from the Lizardon Mega Battle. One of them, Kazuto Kato, had placed 4th in the Lizardon Mega Battle and ended up becoming the champion in the Kamex Mega Battle!
Of the 4 senior league players who made it to the national championships, 3 of them came from the Kanto reginal tournament.
There are likely around 896 copies of the Kamex Mega Battle Computer Error card according to tournament attendance records and structures
During regional tournaments, winners were also allowed to pick holographic set cards as prizes!
A big thanks to @toinelay on twitter for helping me with some translations, and @masonkampe for the handbook scans
@dreamtech, thanks for another fantastic write up.
I found the deck building rules really interesting. No Computer Search. Limit to 10 cards from Rocket set and 4 from Vending series 2. And no cards from Erika/Surge decks were allowed. Plus they were 4 prize matches, I never knew Pokemon had tournaments with less than 6 prizes.
Thank you @dreamtech for the article! Love learning more about tournament prizes and its recently been my new direction for collecting (of course at a much smaller monetary scale). Never knew about the Kamex Mega Battle Computer Error card so thank you for the insights!