1st ed fossil box price spike?

Anyone notice the last 5 first ed fossil boxes sold on ebay the past 3 days all sold for $3k+?

What happened?

There aren’t enough boxes available to satisfy the amount of people that want them so the price went up.


smpratte AvatarJul 22, 2019 at 11:24pm @smpratte said:Growth


not only fossil has spiked, team rocket, jungle has all gone up so much this month

show me the cheaper option

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Great time to sell.

People are buying them like theres none left in the world.

A new higher average price point will develop from this recent spike but dont expect it to be around the peak price.

Last year things were going for crazy money as well, a 1st ed gym challenge box sold for 3.3k when it was the only one available, but post christmas hit and they started selling around 2.2k as supply came to the market.

Try to time the market by buying when it looks like it can’t get any worse and selling in times like now.

Edit: it could be different this time around with Youtubers cracking and selling off heavy packs, creating some hype and copy cats.


Is this Scott’s alter ego?


There is a youtuber who has gotten shoutouts from rhymestyle and tcagaming (I think?) as well as a few others that keeps buying all the boxes and opening them.

He sells all the packs for a very high price and lists them as “truly unweighed” and people are actually buying them instantly at his prices.

I think his name was zgemporium or something like that.

He’s a member here, @jcincy101


If I can really affect the market that largely with less than 2k YouTube subscribers then the sealed market is much much scarcer than I thought. I’m guessing it’s other factors



One youtuber, with the following he has, did not convince 20+ people to spend $2500-$3500 in the span of one month lol.


Combination of demand, box breaks, investors, ect. It all finally caught up to supply and this is the result. I’m surprised it took this long tbh. People have been making easy profit for years off box breaks. This is going to be the new norm. Anything that dips under new established box prices will be snatched up quickly. The booster box is ideal for many types of people, you can break it and grade cards, box break packs at a premium, collect and admire it sealed, long term invest sealed, ect. It’s very simple, if for example a 1st ed jungle booster box only shows up on eBay once every 6 months the kind of prices seen would be astronomical considering the demand that is out there.


Also, with the prices for boxes going up so quickly, why isn’t there any saturation? It is a great time to sell, but the boxes aren’t available to be purchased

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Because people think the boxes will go higher, so they’re waiting it out.


Think I figured it out


For the record… never make your new year’s resolution to stop spending all your money on Pokemon cards when you’re confident enough to offer other people advice… FML.


I know people like to think there’s no limit to the supply of these boxes but they were printed to meet supply in 1999 and probably the next year or two not 20+ years from then.

I have definitely figured it out

I’ve had my 1st Ed Team Rocket Booster Box up for $2100 for months. On the exact same day, I received an $1800 offer from TCA Gaming for $1800 and hours later an offer for $1800 + exposure (:unamused:) from this youtuber (lootboxtv).

It sold for $2100 the next day. Later that week a separate 1st Ed Team Rocket Booster Box sold for $2800. Only one data point in about 20 or so, but interesting connection between what these guys are doing and sales nonetheless.

Most have no idea. Base filled a warehouse at Renton Municipal Airport. Jungle, Fossil, and on filled airplane hangars at Seattle Tacoma International Airport lol. All I’m saying is, don’t make a purchase based on diminished supply. At least, not for another dozen years.