1st ed Shining Charizard: Real or Fake?

Hey all, I’m in discussions with someone about potentially making a purchase of a 1st ed Shining Charizard and wanted your opinion on it. I have no reason to doubt this person, but I’m quite wary with all the fakes going around at the moment.

Here are some pics:

I want to say fake based on the holo and the font. The holo on the real deal is hard to replicate, if reflects light at 3 different angles. In image 2 you should see 3 clear different areas of brightness in the holo. The holo on this is flat and even, unlike what you’d expect. Something is also wrong with the upper part of the flames, your image has a 3-prongued ember, a jagged right side, whereas the real deal has a smooth right side. The font is also very thick, compare these:

With so many red flags I wouldn’t take the risk. Also, just noticed to the right of the tail a line is missing (near edge of art).


The border, darker colors of the card and the holo on charizard are red flags to me. The colors seem especially off and the holo doesn’t feel right. I’d say fake.

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The back alone is enough for it to be fake

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Thanks for all the advice everyone! I sometime’s struggle with this when I can only see photos online and not irl