1st Edition Base Booster Boxes

There has been a few 1st Edition Base Booster Boxes showing up lately.

This auction at Huggins and Scott ends in 10 hours and is currently at $40,000.

There is 3 for sale on eBay. 2 fixed price and 1 auction.
Has there ever been this many in recent years?

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Gotta grab me some snacks to watch this one go off later :blush:

I wonder what it will end at. Given the 23% buyers premium I estimate it will go up to a price of 45000 leading to a price of 56700 before sales tax.

$80k+ easily. I would not be surprised if it broke 100k, but given that there are three legitimate boxes on the market that might dilute the buyer pool a bit.


Charizord holos?? ?? ?? ??


At one stage mid last year there was 2 on ebay and one at auction with huggins and scott.

And one on ebay ending in 2 days. Wonder if any will go for the 100k mark

I don’t see an auction for one on Ebay. Could you please link it

This thread is getting more responses but a thread pertaining to this was already created


rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F274272119711 Here ya go

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The beautiful “bid % activity with the seller” of the bidders.

That picture is worth a pretty shilling!


I dont think that looks like shilling…

The people dropping 50-100k on a box like this are probably not bidding on pokemon cards every day.


Interesting that there are 3 up right now. Buyers probably not dabbing in all three unless it’s more of an investor buying them up.

I bid on probably 1 thing a month, every bid of mine would say 100%. That doesnt mean shilling, just that they dont buy much stuff

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Sold for 52k on huggins and scott.

Pretty much in line with what others have sold for in the last year.


That was a beautiful box too.

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Watch the 20 seconds I linked to

I wanted it - put in the first bid and $51k bid, but… going to see a vacation home tomorrow with the family. Crazy to think they are on the same level of decision for investment