I was searching the sold listings page when I came across this, it only just sold today.
I have looked at the pictures and everything seems to point out that they are real and legitimate.
At the price they went for though I have to wonder are they? If the cards are near mint to mint condition then they could have great grading potential. Seller seems to have sold a recent listing. Very low feedback though. Here is the link.
What are your opinions on this then? Real bargain or scam.
Its probably a bit of both. A full decent condition 1st ed base set for $2500 is a bargain. Are they mint condition, probably not. Most likely theyll grade in the 6 to 8 range. I also dont believe the majority of ebay sellers reasons for selling their cards, half the time is a sob story abd they always always say their cards are mint condition.
Definitely not something I would take a chance on lol. Could’ve been a legit deal I suppose but that’s quite a gamble to take. Also what is with the sideways pictures? I don’t understand people like that. You’d think if you’re trying to sell something for over $2000 you could at least take pictures that are upright.
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Also, no pic of the backs of any card…especially the Charizard.
Looks like a solid deal to me. They appear authentic. As for the sideways photos I can forgive that. Not everyone is technologically adept. And they at least posted 12 photos which is the maximum. At first glance it looks to be someone that collected them at release and kept them stashed away. Listing them without fully understanding the marketplace they were selling to or card grading in general. Buyers could have always contacted them to get additional photos which may have been provided.
I’ve bought plenty of poorly described. Poorly photographed. Card lots and made out like a bandit in multiple cases. eBay buyer protection is there if you ever need it in the case of legitimacy.
Eh, when I see something like this which has sold twice, gives a pretty big warning.
Normally I’d agree but it seems like a short window to be a return to when it was re-listed. Looks more like a non-paying bidder. And looking at the first “buyer” history (as much as we can see) they seem super flaky.
Just an update. I looked a bit deeper and saw this. 4 times it has been listed.
- sold
- auction with no bids, probably ended early.
- buy it now unsold.
- sold
Very strange. You would think it would be fairly easy to sell these cards. Stay away I say, if listed again.