1st Edition Shadowless Charizard

Hello again eFour community!

I am Mike and I have only been collecting roughly 2ish weeks from my last post if you have not read it.
However, there is 1 card I really want before I feel I can basically stop for a period (and save dat money - Lil Dicky) and that is the 1st Edition Shadowless Charizard.

What would YOU guys pay for this card? I see them in played condition from around 400 dollars obviously up to 50,000 dollars.

I don’t really care the condition TOO much… I’m sure I will start with an entry level one and work my way up - but for now, I just want one haha.

Before I go blow a couple hundred dollars - would you guys recommend going with a non-graded or going with someone like a PSA 6/7 for that $1,000 range?

Thank you guys, again there are 2 cards I want… This, and a Gold Star Charizard.

Thank you guys already. 1 day on here and loving it already!

Enjoy, and happy hunting!

Personally I would buy the best condition copy I can get that’s reasonable with respect to my income. That might mean waiting a bit and accumulating more funds for a better card.

This card is pretty much the safest investment in the hobby. If you ever need that money back, you can sell pretty much at any time.

My advice:
Option 1: Find one on auction that’s in a condition you know you would want. Do some research to figure out what you think you should pay. Wait until 3 seconds left on auction and plug in your maximum bid. Do this until you get one that you would be happy with.

Option 2: Buy a graded copy in a specific number. PSA 7 is where I would personally start. Anything below that is gonna have creases most likely (i would buy ungraded if you go below PSA 6/7). And then as you get further along in collecting - upgrade to what you would want.

Awesome card to grab and always a solid investment. Buy from a reputable seller if you can and good luck!

Awesome, thank you guys so much for the replies!

For example, www.ebay.com/itm/182756203396?ul_noapp=true

750.00 for this asking, just seems crazy… this seems like it should be like 300 dollars… its in TERRIBLE shape!

Yeah that’s definitely not worth $750.

$750 is PSA 6 range, that cards looks to be a psa 3-4, if that

Agreed. If YOU were to put a value on this card, what would you think? 300? Maybe 400? It just seems to rough.

Thanks a lot man!

I would only be able to say what I would pay, but that’s not necessarily what others will pay. I personally wouldn’t pay more than $200. However, I feel there are many people willing to pay at least $300. You can find a played card for $300-400 that does not have all those wrinkles. When the front of the card is literally peeling off, that’s just not a worthwhile purchase when you can find one for nearly the same price that isn’t peeling.

There are almost no ungraded legitimate 1st edition charizards left. Also with the amount of fakes we have seen recently, even graded ones, you should b very aware.

I’m not sure what you mean.

there a lot of legitimate 1st edition charizards left.

Do you mean there are almost no NM/MINT 1st edition ungraded charizard left? Because if that’s what you mean, yeah that’s true.

Thanks for this. Yes, I agree… I reached out to the seller. He claims he has had multiple offers for 600-700 dollars… Which to me sounds like complete BS. I told him, I don’t know much about them; but I would take that and run FAR away.

At this point you can be pretty sure that the seller is lying. No one is offering $700 for that card. I personally wouldn’t want to deal with someone who is willing to boldface lie to make a sale. No good can come from that!

Don’t be afraid to pay more than anyone else has ever payed before for the grade you want. That’s what I did to get my Charizard and it’s the best decision I ever made.


Thats what I was thinking as well. Thank you for the responses man!

Awesome man thanks!

If he was getting $700 offers for a card this beat up he would’ve accepted them instead of waiting on that extra $50 IMO.

Agreed. I told him we would be way off on our prices and I will just search else where… that looks like a PSA 2 or something maybe a 3.

This is some solid advice if you are looking to purchase a copy with no creases etc then a Psa 7 or 8 is perfect for what you seek.

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Thanks! I am going to try and buy something raw in the mean time while I wait for a decent one at a decent price. Thanks!!


When it comes to this cards just go ahead and buy the card graded. It is virtually impossible to find Near Mint copies nowadays on the open market. If you try to get a raw copy, you will most likely be paying extra for the “possibility” of getting a high grade, when actually you are paying for the possibility of getting one charizard 1st ed graded.

Lookout for fake stamps and good luck :blush:

I agree.

Here’s what usually happens. People send the 1st ed charizard to PSA. It returns as a 5. They crack the case open and throw it on ebay. They end up getting PSA 7 money more often than not. I would probably do the same thing. This is applies to pretty much every grade

It’s just such a hot item, people overpay on this card every day. I’m also looking for one but I’m being patient with it.

Don’t those charizards get sent back? Buyers have a lot of power over sellers. In theory they can buy a NM zard, claim they are unhappy with the product and send back a different played zard. This prob wouldnt happen but I’m scared of selling ungraded on ebay. You don’t have any protection as a seller.