7 sealed base set

Is $400 for 2 complete art sets of base set unlimited packs +1 extra blastoise art & jungle unlimited deck a reasonable offer?

8 sealed packs-
1 jungle
7 base set

Sorry if this is not the place to ask I am still learning this forum.

Are boosters unweighed/heavy or is that unknown, assuming everything is light this is a reasonable offer. If unweighed it´s a bit on the low side as base boosters go for around 70$ so 500$ would be a reasonable offer imo, but this is also dependant on condition, pack art etc.

Sealed base packs are going for about $70 on the low end and jungle are about $30 so 70 ×7 = 490 + 30 =520 so it seems like a good deal as long as it a reliable source