9 Pocket Pages - Are There Any Differences?

I’m looking for pages to display my cards. I see BCW has pages then Ultra Pro has Silver and Platinum pages. Are there really any major differences or should I just go with the cheapest ones?

Yes there are big differences in quality. Don’t just buy the cheapest option lol. Platinum in my opinion is significantly better than silver. Most of the time items are priced differently for a reason.


My recommendation for displaying cards in a binder is the Dex Binder Portfolio (specifically the 4x4). It is by far the nicest binder I have come across. I know you stated you were looking for sleeves, but if you really want a display piece, Binders like this are FAR nicer than just the plastic 3-ring pocket pages.

(Non-Affiliate Link: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06Y579L17))
(Affiliate Link: amzn.to/37bWj4o))

Note to mods: I read sections 2.5 & 2.6 of the rules and it doesn’t appear to prohibit affiliate links to anywhere other than eBay so long as it is disclosed, but feel free to remove this post/the disclosed affiliate link if you believe this does violate the rules and let me know so I do not do it again if you deem it unacceptable.


Your courtesy in the disclaimer here to account for forum rules is awesome. Just saying :blush:

Also, i think your good as your just showing a recommendation for a binder :blush:

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Id account for quality over price any day of the week, especially if its accounting for cards you love. There are many different types of pages out there (side loading, top loading, clear vs black backing etc…) but most will always recommend side loading as they tend to be on the safer side.

That being said i cant offer more on pages just because i gave up using ring binders a while ago now, but another option are portfolio style binders with sewn in pages. Ive used a variety of these types of binders and i find myself favoring a few different brands: vault x zip 9 pockets, ultra pro zip 9 pockets, and Legion 9 pockets (strap binder). Those have been the ones ive enjoyed the most and i find them a bit nicer for me. The dex as mentioned here prior is also great choice as well but at the end of the day its all up to preference.

Hope this helps.

Ultra Pro Platinum pages are slightly more expensive than Ultra Pro Silver but I recommend getting the Platinum ones between those two. At first I was like what’s the difference with these but I’ve started to notice some corner warping on the cheaper Silver pages, they are lower quality. Platinum ones don’t really do that from what I’ve noticed.

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Look into the ultra pro premium side loading pages. Sleek black pages high quality and side loading so dust won’t be a worry. Don’t cheap out with silver if you go top loading like others have mentioned.

I don’t know anything about the other pages, but I’ve been using the Ultra Pro Platinum 9-slots @firebirder31 mentioned for over 5 years now for all my binders, and I’m still very happy with them. Most people tend to use the 12-slot binders linked by @danakinzero , since ring-binders can potentially damage cards over a long period of time. But most people I know that do use 9-slot pages use the Ultra Pro Platinum 9-slots like me.

Oh, do make sure to use D-binders for your 9-slot pages. Never use O-binders imo.


Do the 12 card pages still fit on a bookshelf well?

Damaging cards is never good. How do they damage them? D-binders make sense to help the cards lay flat in a stack.

I agree with the suggestion to use 12-slot no-ring binders. I exclusively use these for all of my raw sets:


I can’t speak for standard bookshelves, but these fit perfectly in IKEA Kallax shelves (that’s how I store them).

Depends on the bookshelf and binder, you would be best off measuring the empty vertical space of your shelf and then checking the dimensions of the binder.