A Fun Collecting Story!

Wanted to share a funny story about my nephew’s collection. He is 7 years old and loves Pokémon! I was FaceTiming with him recently and he was showing off his new cards.

He then pulls out a Charizard Lvl. X from diamond and pearl! Somehow acquired it from a family friend I think. Anyhow…I asked him to put it in a card saver, but he only had one around at the time. He had a machamp holo from champions path in it. He refused to take out the machamp for the Charizard because Machamp was stronger(200 top damage) than the Charizard.

We eventually came to a compromise and he put both the machamp and Charizard in the card saver :joy:. Just reminds you what collecting is all about!


Awesome story, thanks for sharing! Definitely puts things into perspective about how we all were way back as a kid.

That’s cool! My nephew is 5 (almost 6) and him and his friends are into Pokémon right now too. This little man can care less about condition, gave him a bunch of vmax’s for his binder and some amazing rares. Sleeves insta taken off