Just a picture to show off something different from the usual cards.
Also, any info you guys have is appreciated, as far as I can tell there are Pokemon Center items, some released for movies and the oldest stuff is by Banpresto 1998, but for the Banpresto items in particular I need infos on history(e.g.: how were they released) and value, thanks^^
@vaporeon, Thanks for the help^^ Do you know what could be their value? For the more recent ones I imagine a few $, more or less what you’d pay at the Pokemon Center, but for the 1998 stuff?
Usually when I find the 1998 Banpresto stationary it will be about the same price as modern Pokémon Center stuff. So between 10-20$. Holofoil postcards featuring popular Pokémon are the most expensive. If you ebay search Banpresto Pokémon holo you will find some. The most expensive I have seen was Flareon and Jolteon prism holo postcards.