A mini Jungle Power Reserve Theme deck?!

I just purchased a Jungle Power Reserve Theme deck and instead of it being the same size as my other WOTC theme decks like the 2-player Starter Deck or Devastation, it is the size of a small deck of regular playing cards…no UPC code either but otherwise looks the same…just mini.

Is it legit? Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Yes they are real. They came out of one of the early gift boxes, I can’t remember which.

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I just bought a few of the boxes of WOTC theme decks and I was similarly confused while comparing listings.

If the size isn’t evident based on the photos, there are slight differences in the boxes, like different fonts for the “Load your deck quickly” phrase on the back and the distance between the set logo near the bottom of the front side and the “Trading Card Game” graphic.

Thank you! Googling didn’t help me at first but after your tip and searching Pokemon gift boxes, I have learned that these came in the 1999 Starter Gift Box that contained one unlimited 2-player starter deck, a mini Jungle Power Reserve Theme deck and 1 pack of Jungle unlimited. Thanks again.

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Could you please upload a Photo ? Never heared about it and would like to see the Size of the Deck

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@lyleberr As a deck collector I’m sure you’re aware of these? But I figured I’d tag you just in case. :blush:



Hi - I think I have something similar - Any further information would be greatly appreciated.


Yes, these came from the Starter Giftset and contained 3 booster packs, a base 2 players starter deck, and a mini jungle deck of either Power Reserve or Water Blast. There was no known way of telling which it would have. Since the Giftset box contained the rules, coin, damage counters, and playmat, the deck box was only big enough to hold the cards.


This is the gift set, you can see the size comparison in the box: ebay.us/sBVhDk