Ancient Mew Corrected PSA 10

Definitely would love to get one of these; I think in my 1.5 years of collecting I have any seen 2 of these… Anyone know any sales prices for an Ancient Mew Corrected PSA 10?

Or know anyone willing to part with one? Didnt want to make a buy thread without asking what you all may think… Thanks!!

Have a great weekend :blush:

Funny you’d ask. I just sold 3 of them in a lot to a good regular customer at a 400.00 valuation each. Individually I would expect more.
Sadly, I’m not selling singles though so I can’t help you.
Hope that helps a little.

I have an open offer of $500 for Ancient Mew 1 Corrected. Still looking…

I have two heading to PSA now for grading, I’ve beat myself to exhaustion examining them and second guessing myself non-stop, but I’m hoping at least one is a ten, if not then both will hit 9’s at least. Happy to sell though, I just want to keep one for myself. :blush:

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Pardon my stupidity, but what’s an ancient mew corrected? I know of the Nintedo error but not this.

Looks like the Nintedo error but says “Nintendo” These were the more limited Japanese versions which had cooler holo patterns imo.

Ancient Mew Variations Guide


Hi guys i am looking for a ancient mew corrected psa 10
Could anybody help me here ?

also don’t bump threads this old
also you need 50 posts to make a buy thread

be bonked

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