Ancient Mew Promo Card Version

I bought an Ancient Mew recently. But I just realized there are so many versions of it. Anyone have any info it?


This may help you out


In addition to the four versions in the article linked above, there is the new ©2019 version. I have the ©2019 version at PSA hoping for a 10, since I have the other four as PSA-10 already. :blush:


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There’s 5 versions where ancient mew corrected (Japanese version I) is the most expensive one. You most likely bought the English one which costs around 10 dollars, sealed or not.
But if you post a pic we might be able to decipher which one it is.

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I was browsing Ebay and a corrected ancient mew must have slipped past everyone and sold for 50$. One of those few “can you still get a deal on Ebay”. The original Japanese Mew is probably one of the top 3 cards of mine.

Seems like my picture didn’t attach properly last time. I probably overpaid though. Live and learn I guess.

According to Ebay PSA 10 2000 Mew auctioned at 76$ in Feb., 94$ in Apr., and 173$ in May. There was also a BIN for 100$ and 150$ in May.

So if you bought those two cards around 200-300$ for both you likely didn’t overpay.

Which version are those and one of them is gma grading. I am thinking of breaking it out of the case.

The versions of the picture you posted (Pokemon 2000 English Version). PSA 10 brings a heavy premium on cards even if you can easily get these cards for 20$ at PSA 9. As for GMA grading I don’t own any of those cards so I can’t compare quality of a GMA 10 to a PSA 10. If you plan to resale I would not recommend breaking it out of the case as PSA 9 Ancient Mew can be found for 20-30$. So you might get a better deal keeping it as a GMA 10. Though if it’s for a binder collection I’d say go for it.

I’m in the process of collecting all of Ancient Mew variants too. This video was helpful to me starting off: - YouTube.

In terms of prices, if you’re talking about PSA 10s, Ancient Mew 2000 goes for about $150, Ancient Mew 2019 goes for about $100, Ancient Mew II goes for about $150, and Ancient Mew I Error goes for about $500. There isn’t a whole lot of recent data on Ancient Mew I corrected. It’s rare enough to where the seller can dictate the market, and during a time like this where all card prices are trending upwards, this is the variant that will be the most difficult to obtain, both availability and money-wise. There’s some good discussion about it on this thread:

Overall, the cost to complete this collection with PSA 10s is significantly more expensive to complete now than it was just a few months ago. Whether that trend will continue, or for how long, is anyone’s guess. If you’re looking to complete this collection for a cheaper amount, I would recommend looking for lower graded cards. Even a drop from a 10 to a 9 can make all the difference price wise.

Good luck.