Another card I noticed something new about!

I have seen this card so so many times and never paid it any mind other then the quick glance of recognition of what it is as I have shuffled through cards and it came up. I’ve never studied it but I have definitely looked at it enough I’m surprised I never noticed. So am I the only one that sucks and took years to notice that this meowth is surrounded by Pokemon?! Or some sort of sculpture like pokemon renditions haha. Starting at 11 o clock and going clockwise: bulbasaur, venomoth, geodude, charizard, (not sure of the circled in red one), staryu, jigglypuff (I think), lapras, golbat, and then the other one I’m not sure of (eevee perhaps?) If you know the circled ones let me know! Maybe some of you will have never noticed it like me or perhaps alot of you have, either way this card brought me alot of joy realizing this. It’s awesome still being able to learn new stuff as time goes on! This hobby is deeeeeeep.


… How have I missed this?

The upper Left one might actually be Haunter.


I’m positive they were just rocks last time I looked.


The bottom right circled one looks like it could be Pidgey.

I also thought maybe Sandslash because it looks like it has spikes, but then I realized they all look like that from the back. lol.


Good eye Mike. I never noticed.


could venomoth be butterfree?

for the circled ones, I’d guess clefable and either seel or goldeen?

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You guys got to be kidding me, that was the first thing I noticed


How cool! Never noticed either. The bottom right one looks like Pikachu to me, running towards Meowth. You can kind of see the dark tips on the ears.


Never noticed either my dude, nice find!

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Crazy find, I think the bottom right is pikachu? The “spikes” on its head would be its ears. If it is I will have to add it to my pikachu collection on Non pikachu cards haha.

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I think you’re right about the venomoth being Butterfree

I saw Mike with another thread and was ready for a new ink blot. :wink:

But this one blew my mind! Looked at that card 100 times, I never noticed those were pokemon! Thanks for pointing that out! :blush:


Great… I’m the ink blot guy haha.


Keep the ink blots and new discoveries coming :stuck_out_tongue:


Middle right one looks like a Charizard :open_mouth:

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I think the bottom right is a Pikachu too, everyone looks at the Meowth so you see its back and the ears and tail and even hands are clearly visible. And Charizards leg is hidden behind Pikachus head.

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*searches other wotc cards for hidden art


Great find, but the question now is: What is Meowth doing? Dreaming? Dancing? Hypnotizing?

After this thread, you could also be called the p guy. Your choice. :grin:


I felt like you’re the only person would spend time looking at something we don’t see. Great discovery :+1:


I had originally missed this in my shared artwork binder, too. I noticed the Pokémon there after I’d already put over 400 cards across 3 binders, and this Meowth would sit at position #18 in the first binder… needless to say I haven’t gotten around to shifting all those cards by 1 yet!

In terms of WotC hidden Pokémon my favourite has to be Sprout Tower from Neo Genesis. For years I believed there was just a big cloud in the background…