I’d like to point out something else I noticed with the card: every one of these Pokemon (with the exception of one) had had a critical role in defeating Meowth (and Jessie & James) throughout the course of the series at the time that this card was released.
Starting from 1 o’clock: Butterfree, Geodude, Charizard, Pikachu, Staryu (or Starmie), Jigglypuff, Lapras, Golbat, Squirtle (yes, it’s definitely Squirtle–it’s posed like an actual turtle with the back of its shell facing upwards), and Bulbasaur–each of these Pokemon was either owned by one of the main gang (Ash, Misty, and Brock) at some point before or at the point of this card’s release, the exceptions being Jigglypuff and Golbat. Jigglypuff was a constant presence in the original series, often screwing up the plot–including Team Rocket’s plans. Therefore, the only one that doesn’t make sense is Golbat. Brock owned a Zubat; however, it would not evolve until the episode “Hassle in the Castle”, which aired in Japan on September 21, 2000. This card was released in Japan on October 27th, 1999. However, perhaps the illustrator of this card had foreknowledge of Brock’s Zubat evolving. How so? Because: the illustrator of this card is none other than Kunihiko Yuyuma, the executive director of the Pokemon TV series.
And so, why is Meowth posed like this in horrifying-looking void with the shadows of all of these Pokemon surrounding him? This is speculation, but perhaps it is because he is paralyzed in fear by the haunting memories of defeat at the hands of all these Pokemon throughout the TV show–something that the executive director of the TV series, with the only card he ever illustrated, would want to represent.
That’s my two cents:) Thanks again to @mikejofthecoast for getting all of initial findings! I’ve always really liked this card, yet I was still too blind to make the observation that those black shadows weren’t falling rocks but rather, actual Pokemon!