My guess is that they most likely come from either the Spring 2022 Collector Bundle and/or the Spring 2022 Collector Chest (lunchbox tin). However, from the videos I’ve watched on Youtube, I’ve only seen the sheen style holo patterns on these promos.
Being that there are cosmos variations of these promos, I was hoping to narrow down definitively what product these cards come from to make it easier for collectors to find! Thanks!
Not sure, I’ll look into it a bit, but thanks for posting, just picked up one Didn’t realize there was a cosmos variant. Few on ebay now so not super uncommon at least. Be interested if there are any different Japanese Holos as well.
Based on the plastic holder in these images, they seem to be in some of the 2022 Spring Collector Chests which I think are a U.S. release. Why they’re a variant of the usual SWSH holofoil is a mystery to me. One guess could be they were misprinted as blister promos (which are cosmos holofoil) then thrown into the chests along with the others