Any tips for buying things outside of eBay?

May sound like a funny question to most of you who have done this for a while, but I am quite nervous when it comes to doing transactions where there is no feedback mechanics or dispute methods via a third party like on eBay; to the point of willingly overpaying.

So, do you guys have any tips on things to look out for? How do you keep yourself safe when dealing with larger transactions?

I’ve sort of accepted that some of the items I’m looking for may never get listed on eBay at reasonable prices unless I spend 24/7 there.

If you’re a buyer, you don’t need to worry provided you don’t send via PayPal F&F (friends and family). If you send G&S (goods and services) you can open a dispute if anything goes wrong and the buyer pretty much always wins cases. It’s all pretty safe for buyers these days.

Only deal with high rated/respected sellers.
Pierce had some good tips if your dealing with people without much of a positive footprint. But if you were dealing with me today I’d never ship if paid via 'goods" cause I don’t know you.
So it really depends on the situation.
You can always demand it gets done on eBay.

If you have specificsfor a deal happening now let us know and you’ll get good advice.

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