Anyone see the neo genesis first edition for $2425

Mods, can we move this to the price discussion? thanks

Auction ended not too long ago, will be interesting to see if the seller follows through.

I’ll post a link when I get off mobile

edit link:

Sorry… posted in wrong sub. Stupid mobile

Do you think it went too low?


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Very low IMO. I was tempted to grab it. I figured it would spike at the end but no one bidded. Last sale like that was 45 days ago. More recent sales were around 3000+

Here’s the link:

One sold for close to the same price in March.

The sellers has 3 negative reviews stating that the products they bought weren’t as advertised and arrived in poor condition. That might be what kept alot of people away from the product.

I’ve been offering 3k USD for one inside AUS

I bought one in 2013 for 700 and it’s still sealed. Now I hate myself for wanting to open it lol

A few months in this hobby does a lot to prices though…

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Not necessarily?

There was nothing in between on ebay to indicate that there was any significant price increase since March. The ones in between both sold for a best offer so those prices mean little to nothing.

I judge current box prices off a few criteria:

1.) I use watchcount to get the accurate prices of the listings.

  1. I look at the last listings that sold and take the highest prices into account. I.e: These 3 in the past few months:

$3,051 in April:

$2,800 in April:

$3,200 in March:

  1. Arbitrage- if you broke down the box and sold packs at current high prices. Watchcount is showing 5 sales of packs around $95 in the past 30 days. That would value a box at $3,420.

  2. Lastly I do take into account the prices of the boxes that people are actually selling right now. Collectors cache ironically is asking the least of anyone at 3.3k for a box in not the best shape. So if I wanted to replace a box, assuming no one budges on their prices, that’s what I would have to pay.

When booster boxes are this rare the cost becomes what someone is willing to pay.

Case and point: I sold a Fire & Water vs series box for 2000 dollars after buying it for 1050. Several members said 1050 was fair and it would not sell for much more, but it was one of only 2 on eBay and cheaper than the other by 500 bucks. Guess what? Someone bought it! It really would not be surprising to see a box randomly jump in price by several hundred dollars simply because they are becoming hella scarce. I’m just happy my gamble paid off in that instance.

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