It is impossible for anyone to give you any solid advice from photos taken through plastic.
The fact is PSA graders(s) saw these cards in person, raw, and in hand under excellent lighting and found things that caused them to dock the cards to PSA 9.
Yeah, I know. Theres just too many factors as to why a card recieved the grade it did. And i know the pictures are nothing like having the raw card in hand, but i was just curious as to opinions based on the photos if any would be worth the regrade. I am no grader- but seeing some of my cards that recieved 10s compared to some of my cards that recieved 9s, it just seems inconsistant. I gots 10s that look more like 9s and 9s that looks like 10s lol. Not complaining that i got those 10s though
this is why unless ur minted collecting 10s is a waste, imo collecting 9s that look minty as fuck is my way to go then just appreciate the card
if the cards are for ur collection i wouldnt regrade 9s looking for a 10 i dont see the point unless ur minted. id rather use the money to send more cards or you planning to sell?
Do you intend to sell? If not, you do realize that cracking and resubmitting the card does not actually change the card, right? Whether the label says 9 or 10, it’s still the exact same card.
Also, if you think the difference between 9 and 10 is mostly inconsistent and arbitrary, maybe you should reevaluate why you personally value 10s high enough to pay to have it shipped 2 ways, pay for the grading cost and risk damage to the card.
Again, if you intend on selling, that’s a whole other issue.
As PFM alluded to this embodies exactly why I personally collect mostly 9’s instead of 10’s. Whether my eyes can’t make out the differences or whether PSA isn’t consistent enough between 9/10 for my tastes it’s just a reality for me that the market values 10’s more than I do so most of those get sold on.
Most 9’s in my collection are the result of having grading several of each card and keeping the very best example for myself. To me they are indistinguishable aside from the label from most 10’s that I sell (and even better in some cases). Why would you regrade a card in your collection? If you like the card enjoy it and don’t let someone else’s opinion tarnish that enjoyment. If your intent is to sell well that’s a different and more difficult story.